Chapter 17-Edited

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Chapter 17

Elizabeth's POV

After the scream, everything went into chaos. Ryder and I quickly got out of bed, and we went outside to see what was happening. For some strange reason, I feel something pulling me towards whatever is outside. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing.

A lot of pack members started coming out of their houses, some even came out with weapons.

Outside, I see a group of rogues holding a terrified looking Abigail. Dan and Jessica look terrified as well, and Jessica is crying softly.

How did the rogues get her? That's when I smell something else.


Werewolves and vampires don't really hate each other as much as we used to. We've all sort of bonded to make sure that our races aren't wiped out by the hunters and such.

The vampires come forward, and I see Ryder's face turn into something of recognition and confusion. He knows them? What's going on? Neither the rouges nor the vampires are attacking. In fact, the rogues let Abigail go, and she quickly runs to her parents.

"Alpha Ryder and members of the Blood Falls pack, we're sorry that we scared you, that was not our intention. This pup saw one of the rogues, and she came out to see what it was. We did not mean to frighten her, and we were not going to hurt her. We would have come during the day time, but you know how we react to sunlight," the biggest vampire says.

"Why are you on my land?" Ryder asks while moving in front of me to protect me.

"We are here as a warning. The Alpha of the Crescent Falls pack is trying to gather up an army to destroy your pack. They contacted us recently asking us for help, but we refused. After all, you are the one who saved my daughter from that pack." The vampire replies before he looks at me with a nervous look. Ok, now I'm even more confused. Ryder looks at me too, before he looks at the vampire again.

"That's why you look so familiar," he mumbles to himself before looking between the vampire and me. I frown slightly in confusion.

That's when I actually get a good look at the vampire. I look just like him. How is that even possible? The only difference is that I have green eyes, and he has brown eyes.

"I know you are confused, child, and you will know everything soon, but right now, we need to focus on taking down the Crescent Falls pack. I ju-"

"Are you saying that you're my dad?" I ask. My voice is barely above a whisper, but I know he heard me. He glances at me with a small sad smile before he nods his head. Everyone in the clearing freezes.

"I know that I have a lot of explaining to do, but just know that your mother and I never intended for you to be taken away from us. We have always loved you."

So I'm a hybrid. My dad is a vampire, so my mom must be a wolf. I'm confused, but at the same time, some things make sense. I have never felt a connection to my 'parents,' but I thought that was just because they didn't like me. I didn't even realize that they weren't actually my parents. Does that make me a terrible person? We looked similar enough so that's probably why I've never noticed.

Did everyone in my old pack know this, and was this another reason why they hated me?

Another thing that makes sense is the fact that my wolf is smaller than the average female wolf. I thought it was just because I wasn't allowed to shift as often, but I guess I now know why.

"How is this even possible?" a familiar voice asks. I turn and see Jake is standing next to me while looking between the vampire and me with a frown.

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