Bonus Chapter 2

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Bonus chapter 2

Carter's POV

I take in a deep breath and I calm down slightly at the familiar smell of the forest. I shift into my wolf form and I start running to clear my mind. I give Anthony, my wolf, control over my body so he can get rid of some of the stress he's been feeling. I enjoy the feeling of the wind running through my fur and the power I feel as my strong wolf sprints around.

Once we get to a secluded part of the woods, my wolf lets out a long and sorrowful howl. I can feel someone pushing against my mind, and I let them in since I already know who it is.

"Do you want some company?" I hear Elizabeth ask me. I can already feel my wolf's pain start to subside at our Luna's soothing voice. He moves to the back of my mind as he gives me control over my body.

My wolf and vampire have both taken a liking to her. She's like family to us and we would protect her with our life.

"No, it's ok Luna. Spend time with your mate and your pup. You don't need to worry about me," I answer in what I hope is a reassuring voice.

"Stay where you are, I'll be there in 5 minutes," she says before leaving my mind. I let out a snort and shake my head.

True to her word, she's standing next to me within 5 minutes in her wolf form.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Not really." She nods her head before laying down on the floor and motioning for me to do the same. I lay down next to her and close my eyes.

It's weird that the only time I feel truly calm is when I'm around her. I have the power to control other people's emotions, but mine are almost never what I want them to be. It's almost like Elizabeth knows this, so even when I don't want to talk, she's still there offering me her silent support.

"You really shouldn't be shifting since you're pregnant," I murmur quietly without opening my eyes.

"I talked to the pack doctor and she said that I could still shift for a few weeks. She said I shouldn't do it all the time, but that I should try at least once a week so my wolf doesn't get too agitated when I can't shift at all."

"So is Zach excited to be an older brother?"

"Yeah. He's apparently wanted to be an older brother for a while."

"I'm sure the alpha is more than thrilled about your pregnancy."

"Yes, he is, but you don't have to call him alpha. How many times do I have to tell you that you are family before you finally listen to me?" I open my eyes and stare at her.

"It would feel weird calling you two by your names. Calling you alpha and Luna is much more comfortable for me." She rolls her eyes at me and shakes her head but she doesn't say anything about it.

"She was in my dreams again," I admit after a few moments of silence. Elizabeth looks at me with understanding in her eyes.

"What did you see this time?" She questions softly. I let out a sigh, that sounds like a whine, and lay down on my stomach.

"It was the usual stuff. I would see her being harmed by someone, and all I could do was watch. I couldn't move, I couldn't help her," I say with my voice filled with pain.

That's a werewolves' worst fear; not being able to help your mate.

"Have you seen visions of her? Do you know what's been going on recently?" I shake my head sadly.

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