Bonus Chapter 4

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Bonus chapter 4

Carter's POV

The party has already started, but here I am, pacing in my room with a worried frown on my face. Something about tonight doesn't seem right. I just don't feel up to this party anymore.

I shove those feelings aside and head towards the pack house. As I walk, I can see different cars lined up from different packs.

I can see a lot of werewolves around the house, but the one person that I wish to see isn't here. I continue walking, hoping that she will be somewhere around here.

I walk into the room, and I'm glad that everyone was too busy to notice my arrival. I take in a deep breath hoping to smell my mates sweet scent, but I can't smell anything. I try to keep the disappointment off my face as I make eye contact with Elizabeth. She gives me an encouraging smile before turning back to her conversation with Emily.

I walk around, trying to see if I can find me mate, but I get more and more restless as more time passes by.

She's not here.

I haven't felt the pull at all. I would have felt it by now if she was here. I growl lowly before I walk towards the food.

Maybe I can eat my sorrows away.

I shove some of the crackers in my mouth before I swallow them. I glance around the room with a bored expression.

A flash of red hair catches my attention as a woman walks by me. Her scent is familiar, but it's different at the same time. I have the strange urge to follow her. Something about her is pulling me towards her, but I don't understand why since I know she's not my mate. Something about her is so familiar though.

Deciding to take a risk and throw caution to the wind, I maneuver my way through the crowd and follow her outside. She doesn't stop or turn around, so I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be following her.

"I was hoping you would follow me out here," the woman says. I take a few steps forward and try to figure out why I feel a connection to this woman. I feel like I know her, but I can't remember who she is.

"Who are you?" I ask with a frown.

"Who am I? You don't remember me Carter? That's such a shame seeing as we used to be best friends," the woman replies as she turns around. It takes a minute for me to realize who she is. She looks just like she did before, but now she looks a little older. My eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"Emma?" I question in disbelief. She gives me a small smile and a nod. Her eyes water slightly and I quickly walk up to her and hug her.

"It's so good to see you! We were all so worried that you had been killed since you haven't returned home in so long," she whispers. I pull away from her and give her a sad smile.

"I'm sorry for worrying everyone, but I had some things to take care of and I couldn't leave until I was finished."

"I know. We all understood, but that didn't make it any easier."

"How is everyone?" My thoughts drift towards my childhood friends Paul and Steve. Our parents were friends so we all grew up together. Growing up, Paul and I didn't get along. We always used to compete for everything, but then during a rogue attack, he saved my life, and since then, we've been best friends.

Madison is one of Jessica and Emma's friends. Emma and Jessica grew up together with Paul, Steve and I, but Madison moved to our pack during high school.

"Paul, Steve, and Madison are doing fine. We've all found our mates. Paul has a son and a daughter who are 5 and 3, Steve has a daughter who is 7, Madison has twins who are 6 and I have a little boy who is turning 2 in a few weeks." I'm happy to hear that my friends found their mates, but I'm more concerned about what my mate has been up to. I'm a little disappointed that she's not here, but at least I know I will see her soon.

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