Chapter 6

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   Sleeping in your own bed after months of hotels, buses, and planes is so underrated.
   Harry opened his eyes slowly, feeling Louis breathing under him. "Good morning love, sleep well?" a quiet voice asked. "Very," Harry answered.
    He sat up in bed and stretched his arms looking back down at Louis. "And yourself?" He asked his still sleepy looking boyfriend. "I always sleep better next to you," Louis said leaning in close, pecking Harry's lips.
     Harry rolled his eyes, "You're so cheesy." He got up out of bed and walked to the kitchen. Seeing Louis follow, he decided to make breakfast.
    Louis sat on the couch and smiled to himself. He loved being able to kiss Harry without the worry of loosing everything.
  "Shit," he heard Harry yell and he rushed to the kitchen to see what the matter was.
   "I can't very well make food if we haven't gone grocery shopping," Harry sighed, his head against the refrigerator. Louis chuckled placing a hand on the younger boys back and the other under his chin, forcing eye contact. "Love," Louis began. "We'll just go out to eat and will get the stuff later." Harry agreed and both boys went to get themselves ready.


    The boys spent the day visiting family. Louis enjoyed seeing all his younger siblings, while Harry simply took his mom out for tea.
    "So, how's everything going?" Anne asked. Harry shook his head, unsure if how to answer his mother. Nothing was bad. It just felt, off. "It's hard," he said, "being away from him. And even when we are together, we are sneaking around trying not to get caught. I just-I miss him."
    Anne patted his shoulder and gave him a sad smile. "You guys will get through it. You've been through so much. This is just another bump"
    Harry nodded. He new she was right. But he was still scared. Scared that this time would be different.


   At the end of the day they returned to the flat and sat on the couch, exhausted, and decided to just watch a movie. Harry loved romantic comedies and, though he hated to admit it, so did Louis.
   By the end of the movie Harry had fallen asleep and so had Louis' arm. He picked up his sleepy, and very tall, boyfriend and carried him to their room. Louis cuddled under Harry and they both fell asleep.

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