Chapter 32

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A/N: I didn't plan to post this quite yet (because I don't have 33 finished and I like to be a chapter ahead so you guys don't end up waiting 2 years) but I was looking at the rankings and last night In Front Of Them was at number 4 in the tag louistomlinson out of 74.1 THOUSAND stories!! Guys that's insane! I don't even know how that's possible but I'm so freaking grateful to each of you. We also just hit over 4k reads!! So here's this chapter a bit earlier than planned because I can't thank you enough!! <3 

"Please rise for Judge Parker."

Harry felt his heart hammer in his chest as the judge entered the room. He was just an average man, a bit shorter than himself, probably in his forties, or early fifties. But he exuded confidence and power. This one man's decision will impact the rest of Harry's life; Louis' as well.

The boy glanced behind him once more to find Louis still in the first row of the public seating. He gave a nod of encouragement, the same gesture he'd done a dozen times now, but Harry couldn't help looking at him, seeking his comfort.

Louis was with both Gemma and Anne. Zayn was on his left and Liam and Niall were in the pew behind, along with Collin.

"You may be seated."

The trial began with Garrett's attorney making a statement. They had found out about three weeks back that Garrett was dropping all charges against Louis, focusing instead on the assault and breach of contract charges against Harry. Louis had held the boy in his arms as he cried, panic taking over in full force. He tried to explain that this was only Garrett's way of trying to sike him out, but it had already worked.

Garrett's attorney had called a few witnesses throughout the morning, one of which being a petite girl called Cora. She'd been on the team for the last year, and everyone suspected that she and Garrett were involved. Harry tried as hard as he could to remember back to the day he'd blacked out, was she even in the room?

The day felt long, and Harry felt drowsy. He'd taken a small dose of his medication and luckily it hadn't had the loopy effect, but he was exhausted.

"I'd like to call Harry Styles to the stand."

He hung his head low as he stood, walking towards the podium. His attorney was the one questioning him this time. Surprisingly, when he'd been called before, by the plaintiff, most of the questions had been about the contract, rather than the assault.

"Mr. Styles, do you recognize the woman in the blue?" He pointed to Cora. Harry nodded. "And was this woman in the room the day of the supposed assault?"

"No, she was not." He was sure of it. There were a few people Garrett had brought in that day that he didn't recognize, but she wasn't there. She was lying.

"Can you tell me who all in this room were there?"

"Um, yeah. There was me, and Garrett. Two men that I didn't recognize. I assume they were just part of the security team. They aren't here today. And Collin was there, and," Harry hesitated, he hated drawing attention to Louis. "And Louis."

"Louis Tomlinson, that is?"


"Is it true that you and Mr. Tomlinson are romantically involved?"


"And can you please explain why you were forced, at the young age of just sixteen years old, to hide your relationship? What was the point of the contract?"

"Well," Harry rubbed the back of his neck. "Garrett said that if we came out, if Louis and I told people about our relationship, it would ruin our careers. 'Nobody would wanna listen to a bunch of little fags,' he told us. So that's when he brought out the contract."

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