Chapter 13

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    Louis sat in his room, head on the desk, waiting. Harry hadn't talked to him in 4 days, aside from small talk and chats while performing.
    Harry missed him. He wanted to go into his room and just kiss him and forget this all happened. But he couldn't. He needed a chance to be with out him and be himself.
    "Go. Right now. Talk to Louis, or I swear to God-"
    "You'll do what Niall?"
     He stopped eyes still connected to Harry's  until he was almost fully turned around, facing the direction the voice came from.
    Louis was leaning in the door. He didn't step foot into Harry's room. He was giving him the space he asked for. "Because you better not be threatening my- uh, you better not be threatening Harry right now."
   Harry looked awkwardly to the floor. Were they really over? He hated the thought but he wasn't sure if Louis still wanted to be with him. Harry knew that he asked for space, but he didn't think it'd be as easy as Louis made it seem.
   But he also didn't know how much this really was affecting his boyfriend. Louis told himself, after his plan didn't exactly work, that he was going to let Harry make this decision by himself, no pressure. But he missed him. More than usual. He missed being so close to him that he could smell his cologne and hug him so tight. But they'd barley been in the same room lately.
    Niall walked over to Louis, carrying a look of determination. "You," he said grabbing the older by his neck, pulling him into the younger boys room. "And you," he said pointing to Harry. "Knock this off and talk. Now. Or else." With that he through Louis onto his bed, because Harry and Niall shared a room, and left the two in silence.
    "Or else what?" Louis yelled, walking to the door and was frustrated to find it locked from the outside. "Ugh, how does he do that?" Kicking the door, Louis turned to sit back on the far bed from Harry.
    Harry sat staring at his hands. What was he supposed to say? 'I'm sorry I won't be with you because you won't come out'? No.
    Luckily Louis was the one to speak first.
    "I get it. I understand why you're upset, you don't want to lie anymore and it's my fault you have to."
    "It's not you're fault," Harry mumbled.
    "Oh please! Yes it is. I was too scared and I was just trying to protect us. I wanted to stay hidden. Just us and no one to tell us what to do. That's all I wanted. Just us."
   Louis got up from the bed and went to where Harry was sitting, kneeling in front of him, taking the larger hands in his.
   "Wanted?" Harry asked.
   "Yes. Wanted. But now..." Louis looked into Harry's eyes. "Now I just want you. And if that means we have to tell everyone, let's do that."
    Harry shook his head. He always knew who he was. He was never ashamed or scared to tell people. But Louis was different. And Harry knew that he wasn't ready yet.
    "No," he breathed. "I'm not going to force you to do that. I love you too much to be that selfish."
    Louis lifted Harry's chin so he was looking at him. "And I love you too much to loose you." Harry smiled and pecked Louis' lips.

A/N: I'm sorry this was so short but I wanted to double update today ♡♡♡

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