Chapter 11

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   Sometime during the middle of the night Harry used his new found confidence to sneak into Louis' room.
   He had gotten the chance to talk to Jack, Louis' driver, and learn that he was in fact really cool. Jack wasn't very big, or muscular, but he had this aura about him that made people afraid to go up against him.
   Harry had learned a lot about Jack in the ride home, including that Jack had a twin brother, who was gay, and he was picked on it for a long time. He hated what management was doing to the boys and he offered to help in anyway that he could. Later that night Jack got Harry a spare key to Louis' room and agreed to do it again.
   Louis woke up to Harry in his arms, a happy surprise. He always had a knack of waking up just a few minutes before his alarm went off, which today, meant he got to admire Harry some more.


    Harry laughed as Louis jumped up and down to pull up his skinny jeans. The interview was in an hour and they were running late. As the rest of the band went down to eat breakfast, the two boys decide to stay in Louis' room and use the time in a better manner.
   After showering the boys were getting dressed, Louis in a black tank top and black skinnies, much like Harry, who was wearing his favorite sweater Louis owned.
   They sat on the couch in front of the audience, and prepared for the interview to begin. Zayn sat on one end with Louis on the other. Harry sat next to Louis.
    "Boys!" The woman cheered after she introduced them. "Welcome, thank you for coming!" Her voice was slightly on the annoying side on Louis' opinion.
    "Lovely to be here," Harry said, and the woman blushed. Harry always had that affect on women. Louis hated it, but understood.
   "Oh Harry, you charmer," the interviewer said, reaching out and touching Harry's knee.
    Her voice was the most annoying, Louis decided.
   "So, let's jump right into it. We had some of the audience send in some questions for you guys. The first is from a girl named Jessica. What do you look for in a girl?"
   The boys sighed quietly, almost inaudibly. They had been asked this question so many times. They gave their go to answers. Niall said a girl who liked to eat. Harry kept it gender neutral as always and said someone to have fun with. They moved on.
   The interviewer asked more basic questions they'd answered a dozen times. The time was almost up.
   "Harry, this last question was directed specifically to you," she led on.
    "Tell us about yours and Louis' relationship."
     Everyone froze. It had been so long since they had been asked about this. And to ask Harry specifically, the boy who couldn't lie, just made the situation worse.
   "Um," Harry shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "What relationship?" Louis interrupted, laughing it off, though it was hard to hide the pain in his eyes, the strain in his voice, as he lied once again.
    "Louis," the interviewer changed her angle to face him more. "You know the rumors about you too. Rumors 6 years in the making."
   "Well.." Louis stuttered, "it's all shit. You know that. We're- we're just friends." He said, unable to laugh this time. The interviewer shot Louis a questioning look. "Now," she said. "Harry?"
   Everyone looked to Harry as he stared back. This wasn't his job. He didn't have the coaching Louis had been given to deal with this. He could feel all eyes burning into him.
    "We uh- yeah. Like- like he said. Just friends, um, yeah," he stuttered, staring at his hands.
     "Really?" She pushed, quirking an eyebrow. Harry whispered no under his breath, but no one could hear him. "Put the rumors to rest, Harry, once and for all."
      He wanted all the confidence he had last night to come back. He wanted to stand up and tell everyone that he was in love with Louis. He wasn't ashamed. He loved him and was proud to admit it. Harry then thought back to everything management had said.
    He lifted his eyes, making eye contact for the first time since the question was asked aloud. "No. Louis and I are not together. We're just friends." He glanced over to the love of his life who was staring back. "Always have been."
   They finished out the interview. Harry stayed quiet the rest of the time and was the first to stand and leave when the cameras quit rolling.
   He made his way quickly to his dressing room, slamming the door behind him and let out a choked sob.
  "Louis leave him!" Garrett screamed outside the door. It opened revealing a concered Louis. "I'm sorry," he began, coming closer to Harry. Harry new why he was apologizing. He was the one who wasn't ready to come out to the world. Louis was afraid of what people would think. Harry turned, his back facing Louis.
   "I don't know if I can do this anymore."

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