Chapter 27

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A/N: look another update not months and months apart!! Fun fact, I'm actually writing a novel based around an lgbt young romance that may or may not be loosely based around Larry. Would anyone read something like that?
Happy Wednesday I hope you enjoy

“We’ve got good lawyers and who the fuck does Garrett think he is? I’ve kicked his ass and sure as hell assaulted him on more than one occasion and he goes after you? You of all people. You’re literally the nicest person! You’ve treated him with nothing but respect all but this one time which you don’t even remember and he’s trying to ruin your whole life, all because what? We’re gay? God, that’s such bullshit!”
Harry sat on the bed, listening to Louis’ rant, which at this point is mostly just him repeating himself as he paces the hotel room.
“What if you got a place here?” Harry said casually, interrupting Louis for the first time after an entire afternoon.
“I think you should get a house in L.A. The band is here a lot, and there's so many opportunities. Plus I know you hate these hotel rooms so why not get a place? Something almost permanent. Sure you’d still have to stay in hotels sometimes, but at least when you're in Los Angeles you could feel like you have a home here.”
“Harry darling,” Louis kept his voice low as he joined his boy friend on the couch. “Why do you keep talking about me and not us?”
Harry choked back a sob hoping Louis hadn’t caught on to what he was insinuating. “I just— if I— if Garrett—”
“Stop it.” Louis cut off his stuttering with a tone of set determination. “Nothing is going to happen to you. I won’t let it. I won’t let him get away with this, okay?”
Just as Harry was going to point out that Louis can’t actually make that promise, there’s a knock on the door. The younger boy offers a soft “come in”.
“Everyone decent?”
Liam entered the room with his right hand covering his eyes, peeking through a slit in his fingers. The boys all did their best to laugh, but it ultimately just feels forced and uncomfortable. Even Niall, who followed quickly inside, could barely crack a smile. The tension in the room hung heavily on the boys.
“So we have a few updates,” Liam informed the two on the bed. After the interview on The Late Late show was filmed, Louis was too riled up to go to the emergency PR meeting, so he and Harry had left together. They sat quietly as Liam pulled out a piece of paper; notes from the meeting. Louis almost wanted to roll his eyes at just how organized Liam was but for once he was thankful.
“First, Garrett has stepped down.”
Harry felt a surge of relief, but it didn’t last long.
“Well, not ‘stepped down’ exactly. He’s pulled back from his position as long as the law suit stands. He says he’ll return once Harry is um,” Liam paused, “once Harry’s incarcerated.”
“That’s not gonna happen,” Louis said, standing as if to express his anger. Harry softly reached for his hand, trying to calm him, and pulled him back to the bed before nodding for Liam to continue.
“Collin stepped up, he was working under Garrett, but I don’t think he shares the same views. In fact. He cancelled the radio show tomorrow becuase he felt like you two had enough on your plate. And we don’t have another show until Friday, so we’re pretty much free for the next 3 full days. You guys could probably go home if you wanted.”
Louis took a deep breath, relieved by the idea of a few days off, before turning to Harry. “It’s your call, Love. What do you want to do?”
“We could—” Harry cut himself off, shaking his head, deeming it a stupid idea that Louis would surely say no to.
“Anything, babyboy.”
“Could we look at houses?” The curly boy prepared himself for Louis to get angry that he’d bring this up again. “I’d just feel better knowing that you—”
“Okay,” Louis interrupted, not wanting to hear where Harry was going with this. “But we’re looking for us. If we’re going to look at houses at all, it’s going to be for our home.”

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