Chapter Eighteen

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Anyway back to the story ..

He's Ash. I stand up and point the gun to his face. He opens his eyes and suddenly smiles recognizing me.
"Who are you?" I say aloud.
"Oh you are Eleanor right? Come on, put it down. You are holding it in the wrong way, by the way. I will tell you everything. There is no need to try to scare me with that gun."
He walks towards me and moves a chair in front of me.

"Sit down."
I sit and put down the gun.
"Okay so, where can I start? Well.. I had a crew and Ian was in it. He, as you may know, is egocentric and wants to be the boss of everything. And he wanted to be the boss of my crew too so, when we organized a robbery he didn't follow the plain and we almost got caught because of him. The thing you should know is that his new crew is the thing he cares the most. He doesn't know how to love other people besides his crew.
He may likes you but if he had to choose between you and his crew he would pick his crew without any doubt. His crew is his family. He has killed people, gotten in prison and done terrible things in order to protect his crew. He won't be afraid of doing the same things to you."

"I appreciate you care about me, thanks. But what did you want from him? Why have you attacked me?" I ask
He giggles. "Find some other guy to fuck around with. He's too complicated and you can't enter in his world."
"I am old enough to decide what to do. Thanks. Now answer my question. I am not scared to use Ian's gun."

"You're right. Ian's gun. I bet he already noticed you stole his gun and he's looking for you right now. He has been in this world since forever. How can you pretend he gives up everything he worked on for you? Damn girl, You could have anyone else, why him? I have done some researches on you. You are rich and you go shopping in your leisure. Your mom is a business woman and you barely could become whoever you want to be. Don't ruin everything for Ian. He doesn't know how to love. He only loves and trusts his crew and himself."

"Stop it that's not true" I complain
"It is. Whatever. Do what you want. Now go to him and give him back his gun. He'll be very mad at you. Be careful okay?"
I go away. Why does Ash describe Ian as a monster? He was a fuckboy but he had feelings for me...
Someone strongly pushes me against the car and I stop breathing for a second thinking it could be a robber or someone from the police.
I immediately begin to breath again when I notice it was Ian.

He pushes me still stronger against the car and I scream as I begin to feel the pain. "What are you doing Ian? You are hurting me"
"I don't give a fuck. Where is my gun? And what have you done with it?" He screams back and finally takes a step back me.
"Give me the gun." He says again. His voice was low. I give him his precious gun. I was feeling scared for the first time. Was he really as bad as Ash described him?
He takes my hands and noticing the fear in my eyes says "this is too much for you" he immediately disappears, leaving me standing in the middle of the street wondering who he really was. Maybe Ash was right and I was the one who made him turn into a monster.
I walked back to my house. I didn't want to take a taxi because I needed time to think of what just happened and walking helped me to do it.
When I arrive home there is Michelle who was waiting for me.

"Finally! Where have you been? Carl and that one friend, come to look for you"
"Shopping. And my friend's name is Chloe. And yeah I will call them."
"By the way.. do you know how to get rid of her.. I want to date Carl. I mean he is so hot "

"Don't even try to ruin their relationship. Chloe finally found someone who loves her and they are so close. There're lots of single boys you can fuck with. But. Not. Him. Got it?" I become out of mind and can't control myself. I already ruined my relationship with Ian I didn't want she to ruin Chloe and Carl's relationship just because of a stupid escapade.
"Chill, sister. Did you broke up with that ginger hair guy?"
I slam the door.
Why was she so childish? I can't believe I have to share the house with her.

Meanwhile Ian's POV:

"You are a fucking asshole bro!" Carl yells at me when I told him what happened with Ele.
"I am an asshole? She stole my gun! My gun!"
"Yes but you treated her like she was useless and someone you don't give a fuck about. Call the crew. I have to talk to them."
"What do you want to tell them!" I push him against the wall.
"I want to be in the crew again." He says.
"No. You can't be in it."
"Can you stop telling everyone what to do? You're NOT the boss of everything. I can do whatever I want to as much as Ele can do whatever she wants to do. We DON'T belong to you." He screams and finally loses his temper.
"You both are too weak. I want to protect you. What's wrong with you all?"
He flings me to the door.  "I don't need to be protected by you!"
I push him away and leave the house.
Carl was so stupid sometime. He couldn't understand that being involved in a crew is so much more dangerous than he remembered. He left this world years ago. And once you leave it you can't easily come back. Plus Eleanornwas already too much involved in it I can't risk to put Carl in danger too.
The phone rings and for a moment I wish it was Ele but (un)fortunately it wasn't.
It was  Rosie.

"Hey Ian I miss you" she says at the phone.
Miss you? Damn girl I don't even know you.
"Hello." I was about to hang up but suddenly I remember she could be a good way to forget what just happened and get rid off such a bad day.
"Am I annoying you?" She asks.
"Not at all. Where are you? I was right thinking we could spend some time together."
"Oh really?! I was thinking the same! Come to my house."
She gave me her address. Well, I wasn't surprised, she is such a thirsty girl.
"Okay. I'll be there soon." I hang up.

Unwanted Love [ Ian Gallagher fanfiction ]   #wattys2018Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora