Movie Night

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So this is going to be in 3rd person. It's finally Alec's turn to pick the movie and he has decided on Anabelle😶

"Alexander must you choose a movie so dark" Magnus pouted, putting on his best puppy dog face.
"Magnus I have seen one to (Too?) many rom coms and chick flicks" Alec replied, switching Annabelle with the Notebook.
"Oh hush I know you secretly love them" Magnus teased.
"That's like saying I know you secretly love dollar store makeup" Alec said back.
Magnus went to make popcorn and when he came back the lights were of and Alec was sprawled across the sofa.
Magnus set the popcorn down and Alec smiled to himself.
"What are you smiling at" Magnus asked.
"Just wondering how long you would be able to stay on the other sofa before coming over to me" Alec snickered.
"I bet you I can stay on this couch the whole movie" Magnus said, with a slight tinge of nervousness.
" Your on" Alec laughed.
Within fifteen minutes Magnus was lying on top of Alec with a thick blanket on top of them.
Alec laughed as Magnus screamed and buried his head in the crook of Alec's neck at each jump scare.
When the movie finally finished Magnus was clinging to Alec.
"Scared?" Alec laughed.
"No, not at all"
"Then you will have no problem taking the disk out while I go to the bathroom."
"Of course not"
Alec went and hid behind the wall and waited for Magnus to make his way to their bedroom. Magnus finished with the disk and half walked have ran to the bedroom.
Magnus had almost got to the bedroom and Alec jumped out from behind the wall. Magnus screamed a very high pitched scream and slipped to the floor. Alec was laughing for a good two minutes before wiping his eyes and crouching down beside his terrified boyfriend.
"Are you joking me right now?" Magnus almost sobbed.
"Oh I'm sorry Magnus, come on to bed it's dark in the hall"
"Fine" Magnus let Alec to help him up but didn't let go of him.
When they got to the bedroom Magnus made Alec keep the light on until he was safely under the covers.
Alec did as he was told then turned the light of and crawled into bed beside Magnus. Almost immediately he felt Magnus' arms around him and pulling him closer.
Alec chuckled and kissed Magnus' forehead lightly.
Alec made sure to stay awake until Magnus fell asleep then drifted to sleep himself.

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