Malec training

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Alec was training by himself today. Jace, Clary and Isabelle had all gone shopping, an activity which Alec hated. He decided to train instead. He had been training for an hour when the door of the training room opened. In the doorway stood Alec's wonderful, glittery boyfriend. Alec smiled from the top beam. Magnus couldn't see Alec and he was about to leave when Alec jumped of the beam doing flips and landing gracefully. Magnus was mildly surprised but then smirked and walked over to Alec.
"Look who's being a show-off today."
Alec blushed, "Well I had no other way to get down in time before you left."
"I like it when you do that, you look hot."
Alec blushed again and Magnus chuckled.
"How come your here anyway?"
"I had to leave in some documents about new downworlders and I thought I'd stop by, so whatcha doing."
"I was working on landings but I'm moving onto my bow now."
"Ooo can I watch?"
They walked over to the other side of the room and Alec picked up his bow and moved toward the target. He raised his bow, aimed and let the arrow fly. It sunk into the middle of the target.
Magnus clapped.
"Do you want to try?"
"Me? Okay." Magnus moved towards Alec and took the bow. He tried to replicate Alec's movements.
"No your feet need to be shoulder width apart." Magnus moved his feet apart. He felt Alec come up behind him and felt his breath on his neck. Alec hands closed around his and guided them the right direction. "I knew you wanted to do something with this."
"I'm just trying to teach you how to use a bow, now aim for the target but it's better if you release it quickly." Alec stepped back and Magnus let go. He didn't look where the arrow went, but wrapped his arms around Alec and kissed him. Alec, taken by surprise, stumbled back and hit the wall. Magnus put his hands on the wall and kissed Alec's neck where his rune was. Alec groaned and tilted his head to the side. Magnus moved back up to Alec's mouth and he heard the door open. Alec quickly slipped away from him. It was Jace.
"Hey, your back early."
"Yeah I got bored, hi Magnus."
"Hello, I best be going I have some clients to see." He kissed Alec's cheek and walked out the door. Alec tried to hide his blush and went back to the top beam. He saw Magnus open and step into a portal out the window. Alec smiled at the thought of his boyfriend.     Alec was lucky to have Magnus.

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