Sick part 2

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Magnus woke up to the sound of Alec being sick in the bathroom. Magnus threw of the covers and went into the bathroom. Magnus knelt down beside Alec who was leaning over the toilet. Magnus rubbed circles into his back and moved the hair out of his eyes. When Alec was done he he sat leaning against the wall, "This must be what it feels like to die!" Magnus chuckled and helped him up, "I think you might just be sick?"
"No, I have the plague."
"Funny, I didn't take you for a drama queen Alexander."
"I'm not being dramatic." Alec sighed as he flopped down into bed.
"Yes, you really are." Magnus pulled the covers over Alec and kissed his forehead. "I'll make breakfast." Magnus left the room and pulled the covers around him more.
Alec was shivering by the time Magnus came in with toast. "Alexander your so cold, hang on I'll get some more blankets." Magnus gathered all the blankets he could find and piled them on top of Alec. "Okay now you need food."
"I can't use my hands." Alec looked down at the pile of blankets hopelessly. Magnus smiled and rolled his eyes, "Okay open up." Magnus fed Alec his toast and ate his own breakfast.
Magnus put all the dishes in the kitchen, came back to the bedroom and sat beside Alec on the bed, "How about we watch Netflix?"
"Yea okay, but only Teen Wolf." Alec sniffed.
"Perfect." Magnus played Teen Wolf and set the remote on the bedside table. Alec adjusted his blankets and put his head on Magnus' shoulder, "Is this okay," he asked Magnus, "I don't want you to get sick as well."
"It's okay Alexander," Magnus laughed and kissed his temple.
"If I don't make it, I love you Magnus."
"I love you too Alec, but I think you'll be okay."

I'm so bad at posting now, I'm so sorry. I'm having trouble coming up with ideas so if you have any please leave them in the comments.

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