First I Love You

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The park was beautiful on a day like this. Magnus thought he and Alec should meet there today. They said they would meet around 1pm. Magnus waited for Alec on a park bench. It was quite cold and Magnus shivered and stuffed his hands in his pockets. He should have worn a jacket. Alec came up behind Magnus and wrapped his arms around him. He was about to kiss Magnus on the cheek but Magnus turned his head and caught his lips. They both smiled and Magnus stood up.
They decided to go for a walk around the lake. Magnus took Alec's hand in his and leaned against him. Magnus was still shivering when they decided to sit down on a park bench looking over the lake. "Are you cold?" Alec asked worriedly.
"Just a little." Alec took of his black bomber jacket and wrapped it around Magnus. He wrapped the jacket around himself tighter breathing in Alec's scent, "Thank you Alexander." Magnus kissed Alec's cheek and put his head on Alec's shoulder. They sat talking for about twenty minutes before deciding to go for another walk around the lake.

After walking for fifteen minutes they found a pile of leaves under a massive tree. Magnus smiled and ran up to them grabbing a handful and throwing them at Alec. Alec stood shocked for a couple of seconds before grabbing leaves and throwing them back. And so the leaf fight began. Eventually Magnus tripped and fell over and Alec tripped over him and fell on top of Magnus. They both laughed hard and Alec kissed Magnus.
"I love you Magnus"
Magnus couldn't hide his shock and his eyes widened.
"I- uh- sorry- I- uh- didn't mean," Alec stuttered beginning to get up, but Magnus pulled him back down and kissed him hard, "I love you too."

Eventually they decided to leave the park, both smiling like crazy, hand in hand. They went to taki's for dinner and coffee before heading back to Magnus' apartment. Alec could tell that Magnus was tired when he slowly started climbing the stairs and yawning. Alec followed Magnus into his apartment and closed the door. Magnus yawned again and Alec held him up, " You better get to bed"
"Can you stay here tonight?" Magnus put on his best puppy dog face and Alec sighed,
"Okay, fine"
Magnus smiled and they made their way to Magnus' bedroom. They both stripped down to their underwear and Alec went to the side of the bed he normally slept on when he slept at Magnus' place.
Magnus looked at Alec, "I love you, Alec"
Alec smiled, "I love you too"

*yay* Aren't they cute!😍😍

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