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Alec sat on his bed in Idris. Demons had just breached the wards and entered the city. The battle was over and all the demons were dead. So many people had lost their lives, including children. Izzy sat beside Alec and put her head on his shoulder. Magnus was working in the infirmary so Alec didn't think he was hurt. That was until his mother came into the room, "Alec... Magnus was hurt, the silent brothers are with him." The world slowed down. Magnus was so badly hurt that the silent brothers were with him. "What happened?" Alec demanded. "He was protecting the children in the infirmary, and about 10 demons got inside, he killed most of them but one of them was about to kill one of the children and he jumped in front of her." Alec sprinted out of the room despite his aching limbs. He made it to the infirmary as two silent brothers walked out of the back room. "Where's Magnus Bane?" Asked them.
'In the room behind us, we did all we could we don't know if he'll make it, he has to heal himself now.' Alec heard a voice inside his head. "I want to see him." The silent brother nodded and stepped aside. Alec opened the door and paused. Magnus looked so pale. So... not Magnus. Alec slowly made his way to the side of the bed and held Magnus' cold hand between two of his. By the angel he was cold. Alec felt tears build in his eyes. This man sacrificed himself for a child he didn't even know after saving so many people already. A single tear slid down Alec's cheek. And he let it. He let himself cry for the man he loved so much, who was so selfless and caring. Alec kissed Magnus' hand, "Magnus please, please don't leave me, I don't know how I  would live without you, please don't make me live without you."
Magnus skipped a breath and then stopped. "No," Alec whispered.
"NO, NO MAGNUS PLEASE NO." Alec sobbed, "Please don't go." He whispered...
Suddenly he felt Magnus' hand tighten around his and his chest started to go up and down. Alec felt Magnus' pulse which was getting stronger and stronger, "Magnus, Magnus!" Alec cupped Magnus' cheek, "Magnus please wake up."
Magnus' eyes fluttered open, "Ouch."
Alec laughed while crying, "I thought you died on me."
"What from that tiny scratch," He looked down at the angry red gash across his torso which still had black demon ichor over it, "So it's a big scratch, like a scratch from a really really big cat."
"Are you delusional?"
"I don't think so." Alec laughed wrapped his arms around Magnus, "I love you so much." Alec's voice was muffled by Magnus' hair but was still clear enough for Magnus to understand, "I love you too."
Alec pulled back to place a light kiss on Magnus' lips. "Do you think I'll have that scar forever?" Magnus asked worriedly.
"No, we'll get you fixed up in no time." Alec laughed and squeezed Magnus' hand.

*One week later*
Alec helped Magnus into bed after they just came through the portal to their apartment. He was cleared for going this morning after spending five days in the infirmary and two days at his house in Idris. Magnus was leaning heavily on Alec as he slowly made his way towards the bed already in his sparkly black silk pyjamas. He lay down on the bed and pulled the covers up. "Do you need anything?" Alec asked.
"Uh- a glass of water?"
"Coming right up!" Alec kissed Magnus' forehead and went to get the water. Magnus hated having to get Alec to do everything for him. He was really grateful but he was so used to doing everything for himself it was hard to adjust. Alec walked in with the water and handed it to Magnus. He drank some of it and put the glass on the bedside table. "Anything else?" Alec asked and Magnus threw back the covers on Alec's side of the bed. Alec smiled and climbed in, immediately wrapping his arms around Magnus. Magnus snuggled closer to Alec, resting his head in Alec's chest. He sighed contentedly. Alec had been his rock for the past week, always looking after him. Caterina worked on getting the scar to disappear, she said it would go away over time. He didn't like to look at. That was why he wore a pyjama top. He only looked at it once since the attack. Slowly he pulled up his top and looked at it. He sighed, it was still massive and red. He felt Alec's hand on top of his pulling his pyjamas down again, "It'll go away, I promise." Magnus nodded and kissed Alec lightly before falling asleep.

You didn't actually think I was going to let Magnus die, did you?
If you have any requests for me to do just leave it in then comments and I'll do my best to get it done.

Malec oneshots <3Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora