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Happy reading.
Let's hope you guys still like me after...
And, little note. I had to skip forward for the book to sorta end. >:)
Anyway happy reading


Fall came really fast.

Summer was just like yesterday! What happen!?

Anyway, I went back to the diner and still saw James there. He was so glade to see me, because the way he was hugging me and crying told me. I got my old job back. I already started work, and classes start Monday.

It's Saturday and I'm working all night.

"Ugh, James!"  I said marching in the kitchen, slamming down the order.

"Mhmm." He said while flipping a burger and a steak.

"Why do we even work here! I forgot how annoying the customers could be and how rude."

"Why do you think I'm a cook. I'm not dealing with that. Nuh uh. No thank you. Here take this table three." He said sliding a cheeseburger with fries. I sighed out loud, but grabbed the plate, pushing open the door and making my way towards the table. I walked around some people or saying I would be right with you.

"A cheeseburger and fri-Landon?" He looks up from his hands and smiles.

"Hey baby girl." He whispered. I felt my lips grow to a smile and I quickly placed the plate down while he got up. I threw my arms around his neck and gave him a tight hug. His hands went around my waist while he set his head on top of mine.

We pulled apart but my smile turned around. "Did you come here to say you're leaving too?" I whispered while I took in a huge breath. His eyebrows came together and he looked taken back.

"What? No. I came here to be back in your life. I was going to change your mind." He said while he sat down. I took the seat across from him.

"What do you mean?"

"You told Jaxon that you didn't want us in your life. What do you mean?" He said while he tossed a fri in his mouth.

My eyebrows come together,"when the hell did I say that!" I yelled but then quickly slammed my hands over my mouth while looking around to see if my boss heard me.

"In the hospital, when he walked out. He looked so broken. And he said that if I walked in you would call security."

"What!" He continued to eat his fries but he looked confused just as me.


I slumped back on the seat and stared at the table with a blank face.

So, he'll tell his best friend something different instead of telling the truth. If he really doesn't love me, and he doesn't want his best friend to even talk me, then I should just move on.


I told Landon to come back after my shift is done so I won't get in trouble.

It's already 10, and I'm already clocking out.

"Are you sure James, I could stay longer." I said while leaning on the door to the kitchen.

"No, I'm good. I'll stay with Tori, she's new and she needs to get the hang of things here. Go home already. I know you don't work tomorrow, so that gives you time to calm your nerves for school on Monday." He said while placing more meat on the stove.

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