Shot to hell

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It was the man she felt so drawn to earlier that evening.

Jase's hand instinctively tightened around hers. "What do you mean?" he asked with a frown.

"Today, when I was cycling. I saw this guy at the Point. He looked way into his drink then already, but he didn't seem dangerous. He just looked really...really... sad," she offered.

Jase was still frowning. He knew Soph had a soft heart and was always picking up strays or rescuing birds with broken wings or something. But he wasn't about to let her get involved in this one if he could help it. He let go of her hand. "Stay back!" Who knew what this guy would do if they got too close or frightened him or something. Jase slowly stepped next to the guy on the sand, and reached down to feel for a pulse. Lifeguard training kicking in. "I can feel a pulse," he stated flatly. "But we need to get him to a hospital. It isn't strong."

Sohpia pulled out her phone and called the local private hospital. A few words spoken with the switchboard operator and she was through to the ambulance service. So often, Sohpia had thought how nice it would be if it was as simple as calling 911 in an emergency, like in the States. Things could be so much better here, she would often say, if people just wanted to make them better.

Some would consider it strange that she had saved the number of the hospital but with her mom's medical history, having the hospital on speed dial wasn't an option.

Very quickly she ended the call, confirming the ambulance was on its way. "What now?" she asked Jase.

Jase looked down at the guy, concern written all over his face. He didn't want to leave her alone with the guy, but he also didn't want to send her back to the shack alone to ask the guys to bring a stretcher out, he thought looking back up the beach to the shack. Soph quickly dialled Em though, seeing his struggle, and asked her to relay the message. In a minute, the other lifeguards were running down the beach with lights, stretcher and a medical kit. Almost before she knew it, the man on the sand was strapped in the stretcher, four guys carrying him between them back up to the shack.

She walked as fast as she could through the soft sand, to keep up with Jase's friends, right next to the stretcher. The guy's eyes fluttered open for a moment, somehow half focussing on her through his drunken haze. "Hey Legs," he muttered with a weak smile, before his head flopped back to the other side, closing his eyes.

Sophia's eyes widened in confusion. Jase understood completely. He was frowning harder now. He was in full lifeguard mode, but he certainly didn't like the way the guy called Sophia Legs! Sure, she had stunning legs, but no guy should call her that. Or rather, he didn't want any other guy looking at those legs.

As soon as the ambulance arrived, Jase filled the paramedics in on everything that had happened, handing the man over to them. The doors shut, the lights flashed and as quick as that, the commotion passed.

"I think someone should go check on him," Soph offered as Em came up to her to check if she was ok. Let's face it. It's not everyday you find a guy face down, passed out in the sand!

"I agree!" Em put in.

Jase blew out his breath and raked his hands through his hair. His chance this evening with Soph had been shot to hell in a handbasket, or was that in an ambulance? He'd be damned if he let it go at that though. "I'll drive you," he said darkly, grabbing Soph's hand and walking to his car.

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