I must be nuts!

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"I must be nuts!" Jase mumbled to himself. What was he doing walking on the beach at 6am trying to find the wallet the nurse had asked about the previous evening? "That or I'm totally whipped!" he thought. It's true he was looking for the wallet because he didn't want anyone thinking that one of his guys had maybe nicked it, but if he was really honest with himself, the real reason he was looking for it was because he knew it would mean a lot to Soph. He knew how concerned she was about the guy from the beach.

It was a glorious sunrise on the beach but Jason had his eyes plastered on the sand around him as he scoured the area where they found the guy the night before. This was a bit like trying to find a needle in a hay stack but it was worth at least trying. Jason was a good guy, and he remembered how weak the guy's pulse was last night. If there was a chance he didn't wake up, then they would need some kind of identification. He had to at least give it a go.

Jason ran his hand through his hair, sighing. This girl was driving him crazy. He couldn't stop thinking about her. He'd never been able to not stop thinking about a girl like this before. They'd known each other for a long time. Their families both went to the same church, so they obviously went to the same youth group Friday nights. Soph was always on the worship teams, what with her playing piano and singing, and he had done a stint on team playing guitar. It was only recently though that he started noticing her more, since she came back from university. He wasn't sure what was different. But he just couldn't help being more aware of her.

As he was thinking about everything Soph, his eyes widened as he noticed something black sticking up out of the sand a little way off. His eyes narrowed quickly, trying to see what it was as he walked closer. Carefully he knelt down, touched it and feeling it was indeed leather, he dug around it a bit. What were the chances? The wallet was almost totally buried in the sand. Dusting the sticky wet sand off, he opened it, to see who it belonged to. Obviously there was a good chance it could be the guy's from the beach, but he needed to be sure.

He flipped through the flappy section where people would usually put photos or their driver's license. There was a picture of an attractive blonde, and a dog, a rottweiler. That made him feel better. This guy was clearly already attached. He obviously had the girl and the dog. All he needed was the baby and the white picket fence! He wouldn't admit that that made him like this guy a little more or maybe just dislike him a little less.

Then there he saw the picture on the driver's license. It was the same face he saw last night. He looked closer to read the name. "Kyle Morgan," he read out loud. "Ugh," he couldn't help saying. "What a cheesy name."

Jason checked his watch for the time. It was 6:20. He had ten minutes before his shift started at the shack. He hesitated, wondering if he should risk a call this early to Soph. Nodding his head he decided. "She can hate me later," he thought. "At least if I call, I'll hear her voice," he grinned to himself.


"It's too early! Why does Murphy hate me so much?" Soph felt around her pillow, looking for her phone with her hand, eyes still shut. Opening one eye ever so slightly she checked her screen to see who on earth thought it a good idea to phone so early in the morning. It was only 7am on a Saturday morning for crying in a bucket!

She sat straight up the minute she saw the caller ID. Jason. She took a deep breath in. Should she answer it? Heck yeah, she should answer it! Clicking the green button she said with a more croaky voice than she would have liked, "Hello?"

"Hi Soph? It's Jase here. I'm sorry if I've caught you too early."

"Um, no it's ok. I was just chilling," she lied. She'd need to spend time repenting for that one! "What's going on?"

The voice on the other line - a very attractive voice at that she thought - answered, "Well, I went to the beach early this morning for my Saturday shift, and ... I found the guy's wallet."

"Really?" Jason could hear the smile in her voice. Mentally fist pumping, he knew he was the man! "Wow, that's awesome Jase," she said. 

"Yeah, it was amazing I could actually find it. Anyway, I am only on half shift today, so if you'd like, I can come pick you up and we could go take it to the hospital together...if you'd like." He mentally head slapped himself. He'd already said that! This girl got him all twisted up.

Soph smiled into the phone. "Yeah that'd be great. Although I wouldn't want to worry you if you're busy or anything later," she said trying to be polite.

"No, no, don't worry. I think I should give it to the nurse myself. Since I was the lifeguard who dealt with first aid on the scene and all." What a lame excuse that was! He rolled his eyes at himself. But Soph seemed to buy it.

"Ok, well, then sure. What time are you free?"

"I get off at one, so should I pick you up at your place at say one fifteen?"

"Perfect. I'll be waiting!"

"Cool. It's a date." Jason cringed as soon as he said it! But thankfully the line was already dead. Phew, he hoped she didn't hear it.


Soph breathed in deeply and then exhaled with a big smile on her face. She was sure that she heard him say, "It's a date." Wait, what? What on earth was that supposed to mean? Maybe it was a good thing she was always so quick to put the phone down. That conversation would have been awkward!

Soph pulled herself towards herself and quickly dialled the ER at the hospital. She wanted to let them know that they were going to bring in the wallet. She also didn't know when the same nurse was on duty, and she really wanted to know how the guy at the hospital was doing. Maybe she could find out. She realised she hadn't asked Jason what his name was. She'd have to ask later.



Hey to all my fabulous readers! That's so awesome. I have readers! You guys rock!

So things are developing. Feel free to let me know who you think things should develop with :)

And any other constructive thoughts you may have. And please no hate. This is my first effort at a story, so I just hope it's worth your time.

Hugs and love


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