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"Oh my word!" Em squealed on the other end of the line. "He's picking you up!" She was totally fangirling!

"Em, just breath. It's not a date or anything. We're just going to the hospital to drop off the guy's wallet."

"Yah, and he couldn't do that by himself? Or let you take it yourself?"

"Well, he was the lifeguard on duty, so he thought it was important that he should drop it off himself and I guess he kinda knew how concerned about the guy."

Em just arched her brow saying, "Ah-huh!"

"Okay, okay, it doesn't matter. I hope the guy has woken up though. I was concerned about him. I couldn't get away from thinking about what he must have been going through to get himself into that state. He didn't look like someone who did that often."

"Who knows Soph. Listen, keep me posted. I want details! I gotta run!"

"Ok Em, chat soon!"

Soph put the phone the down wondering to herself. She still couldn't understand why she felt so drawn to the guy from the beach. But she couldn't think about that now. She got a message from Jase saying he was outside. She grabbed her bag and her phone, running out the door.

"Hi Jase," she said as she got into the car. Jase had opened the door for her making her feel a bit shy. She resisted the urge to tuck her hair behind her ear though.

"Hey Soph. How are ya?"

"Um, good thanks. So you found the wallet hey. Wow, what are the chances of that?"

"Yeah, slim. I'm glad we found it though. I have to admit, I didn't want the nurse thinking any one of us had something to do with it going missing!"

"Yeah, totally. So do you think he's awake yet?" she asked frowning.

"Well, I guess we'll find out," Jase said quietly. He really wished he didn't have to talk about that guy. But on the bright side, he was with Soph.

Soon they pulled into the parking of the hospital. Jase wasn't quick enough this time to open the door for Soph. After locking the car, they walked into the ER. Soph was really hoping the same nurse would be on duty. It was the afternoon, so maybe they would get lucky and she would be on the afternoon to evening shift. Soph glanced around, checking all the staff she could see. She breathed a sigh of relief through a smile as she approached the nurse they had spoken to the previous evening.

"Hi," Soph smiled brightly.

"Hi!" the nurse said kindly, her face lighting up in recognition. "What can I help you with, Soph was it?"

"Yes, that's right. Wow, you remembered! Um, we came in to give you the guy's wallet," she said turning to Jase.

The nurses eyebrows lifted in surprise. "Oh, well that's amazing. Thank you!" she said standing up. Jase took a step forward. "Hi. We were very lucky to find it!"

"You sure were!" the nurse exclaimed, reaching out for the wallet. She opened it to check the ID inside. Soph was jumping around inside, hoping the nurse would read out a name. Wait, why am I so hung up on the guys name, she thought to herself. Calm down Soph! she chastised herself. "Kyle Morgan," the nurse said, peering at the driver's license. Soph tried to not make her relieved and deep exhale obvious. Jase just frowned.

"Would you mind waiting here a minute. I'd like to check with the ER manager for a second and make sure the patient gets his property back.

"Sure!" Soph said. Jase just groaned inwardly. They walked to the waiting area for the second time that weekend. It wasn't long before the nurse returned.

"Hi, Soph" the nurse said gaining Soph's attention. "The ward manager has agreed that I can give you a few details on the patient since you were the folks who brought him in. Mr Morgan has woken up." Soph smiled at this sitting up straighter. "We have returned the wallet to Mr Morgan, and he has asked me to please pass on a request to you. He has asked if he could please meet the people who were kind enough to help him out last night. How would you like to meet him?"

Soph glanced towards Jase, who's lips were pursed in a thin line, a frown plastered on his forehead. She bit her lip thinking for a moment. Looking up to the nurse, decision on her face, she said," Yes thank you, If that is alright we would like to him. Or at least, I would," she said looking to Jase quickly. "I obviously can't speak for Jase."

Looking a bit displeased, but finally giving in with a sigh, Jase said, "Yeah sure. Why not?"

"Well good then. I'm sure Mr Morgan would like to thank you two good samaritans," the nurse said turning on her heel. "Please follow me," she said over her shoulder.

Soph and Jase followed the nurses brisk steps. Before long they were in front of a ward room and not an ER room. Soph was pleased to know Mr Morgan wasn't in the ER, but rather in a normal ward. Pushing open the door, the nurse gestured for them to come in. "Mr Morgan," she said gently. "Mr Morgan, your visitors are here."

Soph and Jase stepped towards the bed as he opened his eyes. He took a moment to focus on the nurse, then turned his gaze towards his visitors. As soon as his gaze locked on Soph, she gasped. Dark brown eyes captured her.



Hey everyone.

This is just a quick one to say a BIG BIG THANK YOU, for getting this passed the 50 read mark. It's really encouraging to see the growing interest! These characters are so growing on me already! And who knows what's going to happen soon :) :) :)

Anyway, please don't forget to vote if you like, and thanks again. I'm inspired for the next chapter!


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