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He had asked to see them. He knew he had to no matter how uncomfortable he was with the idea. He was angered with himself that he could have allowed himself to get into the situation he did last night. He had to thank the people who had possibly saved his life last night. He owed them that. His honour wouldn't allow anything less. He heard footsteps outside his private room. He hoped it would be them and not just some other staff member or doctor walking passed to another ward room. He took a breath in as he heard the footsteps nearing his room. He saw the door open and as he saw her, he froze. Legs! It was legs! He knew this girl instantly. Despite his drunken haze the previous day, he knew this was the girl he noticed cycling passed at the Point. He would know her anywhere! His eyes locked on her. After a pause, he glanced at the boy next to her. He noticed the boy take a step towards her. His frown deepened. He couldn't explain this sudden possessiveness he seemed to feel for this girl. He had no right especially since he was so freshly out of a relationship himself.

The nurse was the first to speak. "Mr Morgan, this is Sophia Hunt and Jason Worthington. Sophia called the ambulance last night and Jason was the lifeguard who administered first aid," she seemed to say like a proud mother hen. "I need to get back to the ER," she said turning to Sophia and the boy. "You'll be ok to find your way out I'm sure. Take care then," and then she was gone.

He couldn't stop staring at her. Her eyes were locked on his.

After a moment of them staring at each other, she spoke, "Hi Mr Morgan. We're glad to see you're awake." Her voice was lyrical almost like a light fragrance he could smell wafting through the air towards him, but with a fullness to it like warm honey milk. She cleared her throat as she glanced at the boy next to her.

"Yes, thank you," he replied, "although, please call me Kyle." He didn't bother to look at the boy as she did. How he would love to hear her say his name again... and again. He could listen to that voice all day. He wondered if she sang. He had never in all his jaded life, heard such a beautiful sound as her voice. He hoped she sang. And then she said it, "Kyle," with a small smile on her beautiful lips.

He really didn't want to, but his mother had trained him right. He stiffly turned his head towards Jason to say, "May I thank you for your kindness on my behalf last night. I...uh...I, do not make a habit of such behaviour." He was ashamed. There was no other way around it. He was ashamed that he had lost control. He was ashamed that he had given such a poor first impression to this girl. Suddenly he felt such a need to prove himself to her. He didn't know the last time he'd felt this way.

After a pause, the boy said, "I was just glad to do my job and be able to help. Even if it was after official hours." Damn! He just had to say it. Well he would show him!

"Uh, yes. About that, I'd like to make a generous donation to the surf life saving club to assist in furthering your efforts. It is clearly good work you do there beyond the call of duty it would seem."

That seemed to set the boy down. He seemed to struggle with the proposal. Did he just not want to accept something from him, or was it because he didn't want to accept something, period? After a few moments, the boy replied firmly, "I'll have to confirm with my seniors at the club, but I would guess they'd appreciate such a gesture. It would go a long way to helping a lot of people." Yes, he thought! It was juvenile, but he desperately wanted to put this boy down.

"Good, then may I also thank you both for your kindness in returning my wallet. The cash it held is ruined by the sea water, but I am grateful to have my driver's license and credit cards returned. Those would have been time consuming to replace."

"That's our pleasure," Soph said. She beamed at the boy. "It was actually Jason here who found it early this morning before his shift sarted." Damn he thought again. he didn't expect the conversation to go that way. She seemed so proud of the boy. He seemed embarrassed. Either he was into her, or he didn't like praise. Most likely the first. Not many people in his experience didn't like to be praised. "Is that so?" he said, his eyes narrowing on the boy. "Well, thank you Jason."

"A pleasure," the boy replied curtly.

He looked back to Sophia. She seemed to be thinking on something. Frowning.

"Well, we need to be going," the boy interrupted. "We wish you a speedy recovery." He was generous. He'd give him that.

"Yes, please do get well soon." Her voice was sincere. He couldn't help it. His chest tightened. This was ridiculous. How could one sentence said by this slip of a girl twist him up. She stared into his eyes again.

"Yes, thank you. I should be discharged later today I'm told...Thank you." She turned to go. Just as she reached the door he almost whispered, " Sophia." She flashed a glance back. His stomach clenched. But then it dropped like a rock. The boy placed his hand on the small of her back and hurried them out.

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