Should I?

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He couldn't get out of there fast enough. His PA had brought new clothing and a messenger bag to the hospital for him. He changed quickly, signed his discharge papers, grabbed the messenger bag and walked towards the main entrance of the hospital. He hopped in the car, his PA driving. She handed his phone to him. He had left it at home before he'd gone on his bender. Quickly he scrolled through his notifications, checking if he had any important emails or messages. He was frustrated that he hoped there might be a message from his ex. What did he think? That she would really contact him after what had happened. It was Sunday, so nothing really came through that needed his immediate attention.

He was angry at his ex. Because of her, he'd lost all control. Something he never did! Because of her he'd embarrassed himself. Because of her, he now had to deal with issues at work between himself and his colleague. Monday was going to be great he thought sourly. Because of her, he nearly died! His anger doubled! She had messed everything up!

Soon they were back in Gonubie. He had a large house on the top of the hill that overlooked Black Rocks and the Point. He knew he was fortunate. Most people in his line of work had to live in one of the big metros, like Johannesburg or Cape Town. He had managed to carve out a niche for himself with online work. He had a paid a fortune to get a killer fibre connection so he could conference call easily and smoothly with all his clients. He had an office in the building behind his, which is where he worked with a few colleagues.

His PA dropped him off. He thanked her for coming out on a Sunday. He wouldn't apologise though. He couldn't look weak. He unlocked his front door, throwing his keys on the entrance hall table. He walked to the fridge after tossing his bag at the bottom of the stairs. Opening the fridge he grabbed the orange juice and poured himself a drink. Yes he lived by himself, but he wasn't about to drink out of the box. He gulped the juice down and wiped his mouth.

He needed a shower. He turned to the stairs which swept around to the top floor. They were wide and shallow steps. The kind you only get in very affluent homes. He picked up his bag and went to his room. Opening the door to his bathroom, he pulled off his clothes as he turned on the shower waiting for the steam to rise. He walked back into his room to get a change of clothes. He stopped at the wide windows that covered one side of the room. He had a perfect view of the ocean. Watching the waves roll in usually calmed him. Today for some reason it didn't. That damn woman! he thought to himself.

Frustrated, he was just turning away, running his hand through his hair, when he saw her! He stepped back to the window quickly. His eyes narrowed focussing on her. He was sure it was her! Same brown hair, slim figure, and those legs! Damn! His eyes followed her as she whizzed along the beach road from Black Rocks towards the Point. The same irrational sense of possessiveness seemed to curl its way into his gut. He had no right to Sophia. He liked the rhythm of her name as he said it. "Sophia," he said her name aloud. He continued to watch her as she sped around the point and then she was out of sight for a bit. He eagerly looked to where the road emerged beyond the Point, expecting her to come around at any minute. He waited. As soon as he saw her emerge from behind the hill, he let out his breath. He didn't realise he'd been holding it. He watched her as she slowed to a stop at the boardwalk. She unclipped her cleats, picked up her mountain bike, and started walking over the boardwalk. He knew already that bikes weren't allowed to be cycled on the boardwalk. He wasn't happy. He knew she must be heading to Gonubie main beach, to that boy, the lifeguard. He couldn't bring himself to say the boy's name. Any other man wasn't worth his time right now as far as he was concerned. None of them could be trusted he thought bitterly. Look what happened with him and his ex! "You have no right to her," he repeated to himself. A thought began to take hold in his mind.

Quickly he turned to his desk on the other side of his room once she was out of sight. He opened his macbook. This was his private computer for home use. He waited for it to boot up, breathing in deeply. Was he sure this was a good idea? Should I do this, he asked himself? His eyes darkened as he thought of his ex. He owed her nothing. Heck yeah, he was doing this!

He quickly opened up his browser, and feeling a bit like a stalker, he typed Sophia Hunt into the search bar. Very quickly, a whole number of listings popped up. She had a controlled access facebook account, there was an article she wrote for her university prospectus. She completed her degree two years back. Must have been a Bachelor of Music since her article was about the music department. She had a good command of language he saw as he read through the article. He scrolled down. An image appeared of her, brown hair down, natural makeup, a wide smile showing perfect teeth. He clicked on it. It was a staff photo on her school's website. Music Teacher it said. Grades 4 - 7. So maybe she did sing afterall, he thought to himself. He would pay good money to hear her singing. He couldn't bring himself to save the image yet. He wasn't that far down the stalker road. He bookmarked the web address though. He went back to the search results. He saw her name listed in a link about a Christian conference held recently. He clicked on it. There at the top a banner appeared with a worship band of some kind on the top. He could clearly see her to the side of the stage, microphone in front of her and a Yamaha keyboard. A macbook to the side. He zoomed in. Her eyes were closed and she was looking up, a look of deep adoration colouring her features. What he would give for her to look at him like that! He just stared at the image for a while. Something deep was taking a hold in him. He didn't know what. He was hardly aware it was anyway. Zooming out again, he read the description. It described the event, who the speakers were, and then it listed the churches involved in the music team. Three churches were listed with the names of those who were involved. It didn't specify who came from what church though.

He had to find this girl. He wasn't comfortable with the idea of visiting any churches just now. But he really wanted to hear her voice again. But then he thought God was punishing him for allowing what had happened to happen with his ex. How could he just walk into a church after so long? Or maybe he was supposed to, you know do his time and make right with God? "Ugh!" he huffed to himself, closing the laptop suddenly. What was happening to him?

The steam was rolling out the bathroom. He jumped up and ran to the bathroom, stripping his clothes and hopping in the shower. He tried to clear his mind letting the water run over him. But he couldn't shake the thought of Sophia. It seemed to be the one thing keeping his mind away from the hateful emotions he had towards his ex. He scrubbed himself harder, as he gave up and let his mind wonder around the image of Sophia again. Love and adoration. That's what he saw. He wanted that!



Hey lovlies.

We've made over 100 reads!! Woohoo!!! Thank you to everyone who has taken the time and effort to read my little offering on the linguistic alter...hahaha. It is much appreciated. You've all inspired me to do the next chapter. Hopefully I can post it soon!

So what do you think? Is Kyle really interested in Soph or is he just on a rebound?

Have a super week all!


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