How could you?

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Thank you to my first reader from Australia! Really appreciate the time you took to check this book out! I've been busy this Easter weekend, but I managed to get this done. I know it's short, but I had to get something out at least to say thank you! Hope it's enjoyable!

PS The image is of the boardwalk in Gonubie.


It had been a fantastic swim! She knew she was a good swimmer. Maybe not lifeguard good, but enough that she could handle herself safely in the water beyond the breakers. Her and the guys had swum out a ways, and she had dictated their turn around. She was all for equal rights and all, but she knew it would be foolish to pretend that she was as good a swimmer as the guys. She would just put herself and the guys in danger if she went beyond what she knew she could handle. 

They swam back to shore. She thought Kyle's body surfing skills were impressive, although she would never have let on. They were just stumbling back out the water, when she saw Em heading towards them, a scowl across her face. "Uh-oh!" she thought to herself. She knew that look. It wasn't a look you wanted to see on Em's face. 

"Uh, hey Em. You done toasting?" she asked carefully.

"Yeah I'm done toasting. Thanks for just leaving me there. You said you wouldn't be long!" Ok, so Em could get a bit petty sometimes. It was one of those things you just had to love hating about her. Nobody was perfect and Em more than made up for it in other ways. But still, it wasn't fun dealing with this side of her when it did show itself. 

Soph frowned. "I thought Luke was with you?" she said, pointedly looking at Jase. He squirmed, not meeting her eye. This was so awkward. Dealing with this in front of a near stranger! Ok, maybe not total stranger, but certainly she hadn't known Kyle for more than a week!

"No. What gave you that idea?" Em frowned. Also now looking to Jase.

It all fell into place. Jase had lied. He looked too uncomfortable for that not to be the case. Her heart fell. She had honestly thought she could trust him. She looked at him, her disappointment obviously written across her face. Quietly, she said, "How could you Jase?" And then she walked off, grabbing Em along the way. She knew Em would catch on quickly to what had happened. She remembered Kyle, so she quickly turned around, still holding her friend's arm, shouting, "Thanks for the swim Kyle. Enjoyed it! Bye!" And with that, she was gone. 


Kyle looked at Jase. He was crestfallen. He couldn't help but feel sorry for the guy a bit. "Well, see ya," he said briefly to Jase.

"Yeah, see ya," Jase said quietly. Kyle could see all the fight had gone out of him. He just couldn't bring himself to tell the guy to go after her. He wasn't that much of a saint. Where was this coming from? He hardly knew her. But his instinct to win out against Jase just wouldn't let him be the bigger man, he thought to himself sourly.

He headed for his towel on the beach, thinking about the crazy swim he'd just had. That girl could swim! He couldn't help remembering how much he'd enjoyed swimming next to her. He was a guy afterall, he couldn't help noticing her lithe strokes and the agility of her body as she slid through the water. Get a hold of yourself, man! he admonished himself. One thing he knew, he would give almost anything to swim with her again. She was the one thing that lifted his heart this week. That she had done it while enjoying the same pursuit as he enjoyed, well that was just a bonus! 

He was conflicted though. He still felt deep hurt from his ex. He knew it would be a bad idea to pursue this girl. But he couldn't help it. He could get to know her without creating expectations surely! Don't think ahead man, just enjoy it now! Deep down, he knew that was dodgy thinking, but his selfish side pushed it down further very quickly. As he walked back to his house across the boardwalk, he knew he had to make a way to see her again!

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