Scheduled Structure

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Silence had been concerned when the Lady, Sophia, bared her fangs and let her eyes glow red. He had seen this happen back at the auction house, and the young boy that the monster had bitten hadn't looked particularly healthy when the monster finished. The only reason he hadn't completely lost control of his fear was because the boy had survived, and so far, he had seen no evidence that this woman wanted him dead.

She had leaned into his throat slowly, rather than the quick strike he had seen before. She was trying not to scare him. He breathed in her light perfume on short breaths of anticipation. He could feel the heat and moisture of her breath on his skin, then the light prick of pain as she bit him. The expensive material of her dress bunched between his fingers, feeling smooth against the roughness of his hands.

And then he was flooded with even more sensation.

Heat washed through him, making him gasp from the sensation. The butterflies in his stomach calmed, disappearing as quickly as the imminent fear. The tension in his muscles as he struggled to decide flight or fight relaxed, leaving him almost defenseless. Suddenly, all he wanted to do was sleep.

He felt the light tickle of her tongue stroking over her bite and she pulled away. He regarded her concern for his well being and wondered how he could have doubted her. This was what she had been trying to explain, after all. That first night after dinner, with the books. She wanted his blood. He wanted food and shelter. It was an obvious arrangement where a trade would take place and both of them would come away happy. Better than they had been apart.

He smiled, trying to convey that he understood much better now. His mouth didn't want to work quite right. And the thick lassitude was going to make manipulating the pen difficult. Not that he could explain much with his name, her name, and the word horse. Numbers weren't going to be much help either.

So, he decided simplicity would have to do. At least, it seemed simple to him. She blinked in surprise when he leaned in and kissed her neck, right where she had bitten his. An equal exchange. She just looked confused when he pulled away. But he knew he wasn't going to get far in explaining with the state he was in. It would have to wait.

He patted her hand. A gesture he had seen others use to comfort others. Typically women comforting women or men comforting women. Sometimes women comforting men but never men comforting another man. Since they were a man and a woman, he figured it should translate just fine. The confusion on her face did not ease however.

Silence was beyond his ability to offer anything else however. And if he didn't get to his room, he would end up sleeping here on the couch. Not the worst place, by far, but not his place. He rather liked the safety and security of his place.

He got to his feet and frowned when the floor swayed a little under his feet. The house quickly steadied, however, so he struck out for his room without further ado. It was late, so most of the house was getting ready for sleep. The halls were empty for the most part, which was good for the couple times the house tried to slide out from under feet again.

But he never fell. Wouldn't have been overly concerned if he did fall, honestly. A bump or bruise didn't bother him, and he could feel Sophia pacing along behind him. She would most assuredly come to help pick him up if he needed it. Her concern was appreciated, if unneeded.

He was almost back to the servant hall when he realized he had lost his escort. The steady presence at his back had faltered. He glanced back to find her standing on her side of the status divide. The fog in his mind cleared around the information he had gleaned here and there growing up. The well dressed never set foot into the domain of those who cooked and cleaned. Just like those who cooked and cleaned would become very humble and reserved in the presence of the well dressed.

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