Change of Pace

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Silence quickly settled into his new routine. After a month, he was functioning mostly on his own, no longer needing things to be explained. He could read and write a hundred different words, as well as sign out basic sentences. Any words he didn't know, he could finger spell.

He was also beginning to pick up lip reading, though he was quite sure Sophia didn't know that. She typically spoke as she signed, so the mouth movements were beginning to have some meaning. He could pick out several different words that were spoken often.

Mrs. Colbert still didn't like him. A sentiment that was shared by most of the house staff. He wasn't quite sure how Pierre felt about him. The man would flip moods so fast it was like he was two different people. But Francois liked him enough to start learning some signs so they could talk. He was fairly certain Matilda was wary around him most of the time, but she also learned enough to communicate the basics with him.

Today, Mrs. Colbert was either irritated enough with him to completely ignore him, or in a good enough mood to give him a day off. Either way, he had been given no chores to do for the morning after breakfast. He was passing some time in the kitchen, sitting in the windowsill where he was out of the way and pretending to read. In reality, he was trying to watch what cook did while she made the afternoon meal.

He idly flipped a page as he shot a glance towards someone rushing into the kitchen. Matilda was scanning the kitchen, looking around for someone. She brightened when she came across a trio of young men and quickly skirted the table to get to them. She appeared to be pleading with them to do something. They all gave her helpless looks as they spread their hands and shook their heads. Matilda looked a little frantic.

Silence closed his book on one finger and lifted his head, trying to figure out what was wrong with her. She noticed his eyes on her and flushed a little. Then, with one last glance around, she set her jaw and marched up to him.

Silence blinked when she haltingly signed at him. Help me?

He nodded, setting his book aside and starting to get to his feet when she started signing again, apparently thinking he should know what he was agreeing to.

Follow me to... She bit her lip as she got stuck and finally signed house multiple times. Silence grinned when he figured she meant 'town' and nodded again. Relief flowed over her and she led him out to the front door, grabbing up a basket that she was apparently taking with her. Silence followed along, walking beside her down the road to the nearby town.

Matilda didn't try to talk. Silence didn't mind. He just enjoyed being outside and knowing he wouldn't have to sleep out here. Or scrounge for food. As they drew closer to town, they had to step off the road more often for carts and carriages. Foot traffic picked up too. Matilda suddenly pressed a little closer to his side, startling him. There hadn't been an apparent reason for it.

Silence took in her expression, then followed her quick glances to a trio of young men sitting on the guard wall by the road. Silence frowned at the apparent intoxication of the men. They were yelling things at passerby's, laughing and carrying on no matter what reaction they got. They suddenly noticed Matilda and their faces took on a decidedly lustful look.

Silence snorted and gently grabbed Matilda's shoulder, startling her. Whatever the men had been yelling in her direction had made her flush and tremble. She relaxed a little and let Silence guide her to his other side however, allowing him to put himself between the men and her.

They continued on into town, where Matilda relaxed completely and got down to the business of shopping. Silence merely followed along behind her, offering to take the basket from her when it got heavy. She smiled gratefully as she handed it over and picked up the last item. Then they turned for home.

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