Calm Before the Storm

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Silence heaved the basket of apples into the back of the wagon and scrambled up to sit on the end as the driver shook the reins. The wagon lurched into motion, almost upsetting Silence from his seat. He caught a concerned look from one of the other workers and quirked a grateful smile. The young man looked away.

Silence just turned his attention to the orchard slowly rolling by as they left their work for the afternoon and headed home. News of his role in keeping Sophia safe from the Vampire slayer had quickly spread. It was affording him a respite from the overwhelming suspicion. Enough so that he wasn't completely reviled and instead just ignored.

Which worked out just fine for him. The less attention he had on him the better. The fact that he eagerly threw himself into helping with whatever task was given to him only helped ease their fears about him. Also a good thing, as this years harvest was a bountiful one and every hand was called on to get the crops in before the winter set in. Even Sophia was doing her part, helping to rotate the crops through the store houses and sell anything they wouldn't need.

Silence glanced down when someone bumped his knee and grinned at the offered skin. He lifted it to his mouth and took in a swallow of cool cider before passing it to the next worker. He watched them talking, picking out bits and pieces of whatever was going on in their lives. One of the men had a new baby girl. Another was saving up to ask a pretty young maid to marry him. An older woman was fretting over a grandson home sick.

He turned his attention back to the scenery, having nothing to add to the conversations revolving around him. Not that anyone here would understand him even if he did.

Silence helped unload the fruit they had harvested when they got back to the house and made sure he was no longer needed before stealing an apple out of the basket and trotting for the stables. The smell of rain and a cold wind whipped across him as he strolled along and slipped into the warm shelter of the barn.

Androse, the young man in charge of the horses now, shot him a look as he wandered past, but didn't try to drive him off. He tossed the apple absently as he made his way down to the end of the aisle and moved up to the stall of Trouble and his mother. Trouble had grown fast, almost old enough to be housed on his own by now.

Silence sent a quick glance around before pulling out a knife and slicing the apple in half, then shoved the blade back into his pocket. The smell of the fresh fruit had both mare and foal pricking their ears in interest as they hung their heads over the door in greeting. Silence grinned as he offered half of the apple to each horse and they lipped it up. He spent a few minutes loving them before slipping out of the stables and making room as they brought in the wagon and work horses for cleaning and putting away.

Back into the house, he went in search of Sophia. She hadn't had much time for lessons recently, but he was hoping that would be different for today. The storm rolling in would curb most activites outside and force most people inside.

Slipping into the office, Silence hesitated at the overwhelming feeling of discomfort. Sophia glanced up from the paperwork she was penning over. Her distraction had the two men and one woman glancing back at him, allowing Silence to take in the mild fear and nervousness all three were exhibiting. Silence frowned at Sophia, wondering what she was doing that had put them on edge. Her eyes dropped back down to her paperwork and she quickly finished.

Silence let out a breath of understanding. She was moving too fast. Reminding them she wasn't human. He moved with exagerated slowness across the room and settled ever so carefully into the couch to wait for her to finish. She glanced up again and frowned, but she tempered her movements. The sharp speed dwindled down to a quickness that was hurried rather than inhuman.

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