Murder Most Foul

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Sophia's superior hearing picked up the blood curdling scream.  The realization that it was Silence just spurred her into wrapping up against the light and dashing out of the safety of her room.  Servants scattered from her path, then fell in behind, curious at her strange behavior.

She dashed out onto the veranda and leapt over the little guard rail in her dash for the sounds of the screams. Silence might not use his voice, but he had an amazing lung capacity. She hitched up her skirts as she crossed the yard and joined in the curious gravitation of people, coming to see what was wrong.

Sophia skidded to a halt in the doorway of the barn at the heavy scent of blood. She grit her teeth and strode through the crowd of shocked onlookers until she could press into the doorway of the stall everyone was gathered around. She flinched and her hand lifted to cover her mouth and nose as she took in the scene laid out before her. Francois was dead. His belly gutted and his face twisted with pain and anger. His blood had been splattered all over the stall he used as his home.

Silence's screams of anguish as he held the old horse masters body twisted her heart. The poor young man had lost one of the few friends he had in this place. Yesterday, he had been so happy. Now he was trembling as he lost control and mourned. He must have misguidedly tried to help Francois because he was covered in blood. The blood was old, and Francois's body was cold. He had died some time last night and Silence had only found him just now.

Stable boys stood around the scene, trying to cope with their grief and control the horses before they panicked from all the blood and screaming. She swallowed down her own tears at the passing of her friend. She stiffened as Yosef came brushing past her and went striding for Silence.

She hissed when Yosef grabbed Silence and tried to pull him away. "Leave him alone!" She lifted her chin when Yosef turned back to look at her in surprise. Silence yanked out of the suddenly loosened grip and hugged old Francois all the tighter.

"My Lady, he has been found at the scene of a murder. I must take him back to the house for questioning."

Sophia scoffed. "You think Silence is responsible for this?! No. Silence would never have killed Francois. Let the poor boy alone. You'll find the killer elsewhere." She strode across the stall towards them, hesitating briefly in front of Yosef and fixing him with a severe look. "But you will find the killer."

She leaned down and gently laid her hands on Silence's shoulders to get his attention. He turned to look up at her a little wildly, tears streaking his face. She was suddenly glad she didn't need her voice to talk to Silence. It surely would have broken and betrayed her.

'Come with me.'

Silence sniffed and gave her a pleading look as his fingers tightened in Francois shirt. She shook her head and straightened as she extended a hand to him. He dropped his head over the old man and sobbed out brokenly one last time before gently laying the body down and getting to his feet. His bloody fingers slipped into hers and she led him back to the house, leaving this terrible scene to Yosef and the rest of them.

She had to put Silence back together.

Sophia gently led Silence back to her quarters where she had been preparing to go to bed herself before she had heard the screams. She pressed him into the wash room and pulled off his bloody shirt. He sniffed and wiped the tears from his face, smearing blood there instead. Sophia sighed and began to croon, knowing he couldn't hear it. The soft words were more to comfort herself than him.

She cleaned him up with efficient professionalism. He stood there and bore it with head bowed and eyes dull. He kept whining, not realizing he was betraying his grief even as he tried to keep it contained. Sophia set aside the stained cloth she had used to clean him up and gently took his hands in hers. His gaze slowly lifted to hers and held there for a moment before he lurched forward.

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