The Second

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Sophia sighed as she smudged at some shading in her drawing. Art usually was a way to relax, but she was so very frustrated it was barely helping. She picked up her charcol pencil off the paper and regarded what she had so far. Perhaps drawing Francois wasn't the best choice for subject matter. She grimaced and set aside that paper to pick up another.

Her pencil began scratching over the paper as her thoughts began whirling again. Perhaps it would be better to let Silence go. Not only would it allow her staff to relax, but it would protect Silence from their fear and anger. Her strokes faltered, feeling uncomfortable sadness at the thought of losing the boy. But she would rather he were miles away and safe, rather than close to her side and abused.

Her lips pressed together as she debated where she could send Silence that he would still be looked after. Then she was frowning at the paper under her pencil, where Silence was beginning to appear.

A soft sound caught her attention and her head jerked up. She relaxed and cocked her head when she realized who was skulking in the doorway to her office. 'Come in.'

Silence slid in the door, taking a repentative posture as he apologized. 'I know you sent me to my room, and I'm sorry for disobeying, but I don't want to be alone.'

Sophia nodded and repeated her invitation into the room. Silence stepped a little further into the room, still seeming nervous. Sophia dropped her gaze back down to her drawing and continued where she had left off. "How long have you been able to read lips?"

She glanced up as Silence took a couple more steps closer and sheepishly signed. 'I was going to tell you eventually.' He grinned when she chuckled and moved up close enough that he could see what she was doing. He cocked his head curiously when he realized what she was drawing. 'That's me!'

Sophia smiled and held it up to look between the image and the genuine article. She finally shrugged and dropped it back onto the top of the desk to continue. She glanced at Silence when he made a motion towards some of the other drawings in various stages of completion, asking permission to look at them. She nodded and he carefully began to sift through them. She heard him make a slight sound of sadness and figured he had come across one of the pictures of Francois. Yet, when she glanced at him, he was softly smiling.

He felt her eyes on him and turned to look at her questioningly. She gave him a gentle smile. "Why don't you want to be alone?"

He sighed as he turned back to her drawings, his eyes skimming them as his fingers spoke to her. 'I just need a friend. I'm out of practice watching my own back.'

Sophia frowned as she turned back to her drawing. That had been terribly morbid. She wanted to assure Silence he was safe, but to be honest, she wasn't sure how far her staff might go if tensions continued to rise. She wondered again where or who would assure Silences safety. She glanced back at him when he left her drawings behind and moved closer to her, heartbeat picking up.

'You stillvbelieve me, don't you?'

Sophia nodded without hesitation. She smiled a little when Silence laid a gentle hand on her shoulder in thanks and his heartbeat calmed again. Then he was moving past her and curling up on the couch, apparently deciding to sleep here. Sophia turned back to her sketching and her thoughts, trying to work something out. It didn't matter if it was what to do with Silence or the true identity of Francois's killer.

Something had to change.

The morning had come, though the sun was still low below the horizon when commotion drew her attention. The house had only just begun to stir, early morning chores being attended to while breakfast was started and the rest of the house began to wake. But there was never this much noise outside.

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