Light to the Dark

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Sophia tapped her pen on her desk in an aggitated rhythm. Silence was late. And he was never late for lessons. She glanced at the clock and sneered at it. Silence should have been here thirty minutes ago. Something had to be wrong. She shoved to her feet and dropped the pen on the desk, determined to either find Silence or find out where he had gone.

She strode across her office and jerked open the door. She took in a sharp breath when she came face to face with the very same young man she had been about to hunt down. The inhale turned out to be a mistake. Her nostrils flared as she took in the scent of his blood. Coupled with the sight of his disarray turned out to be a heady combination.

Silence looked horrible. A bruise was beginning to form across his jaw. There was still a little blood in his mouth and on his lips. His clothes were torn and dirty, matching his skin in some places. It looked like he had been rolling around in the streets. It certainly smelled like it.

Silence swallowed hard as he went stiff. He feared her anger with him, but she was quite sure he hadn't made any attempt to make himself look better. Whatever he had gotten into, he knew he would likely earn her ire for his appearance or his tardiness and had chosen to face both rather than try to hide anything.

Bravery in the face of fear. It was a trait that had always drawn her in and held her enraptured. Sophia glanced down at his hands as he began to sign, quickly but concisely. I'm sorry.

Sophia cut off his apology before he could get much further and pulled him into her. He made a startled noise as she drew him close and pressed her lips to his. His fingers clutched at her arms as she drew him into the office and shoved the door shut before pushing him up against the wall.

Her tongue delved into his mouth, looking for the elusive taste of his blood. Her fingers tangled in his hair to tip his head and suck on his bottom lip. He gasped when she released his mouth, nipping her way across the damage on his jaw and down his throat. She could hear his heart pounding and his blood rushing beneath the surface of his skin before she bit down into his pulse.

Silence threw his head back with a moan as she released pheromones into his system. He panted harshly, leaning his weight back against the wall and quickly relaxing. He shivered as she drank him in and savored the taste of him. With his improved diet, his blood was tasting sweeter. Certainly better than the last time she had drank his blood.

She licked across the wound when she was through and caught him when he started to sag. She had taken a little too much. He staggered a little when she drew him away from the wall and over to the couch. He sighed when she sat him down and drew him down to rest his head in her lap.

Her fingers combed through his hair as she waited for him to recover. She quietly berated herself for jumping on him like that. Who knew what he had just gone through and she loses control at the first scent of his blood. She blinked when she realized Silence was sleepily regarding her.

Sophia lifted a hand.  OK?

Silence nodded and sluggishly lifted a finger to point at her. You?

Sophia nodded. Yes. What happened? Then her head was jerking up to look over the back of the couch when she heard hurried steps and a frantic heartbeat. She held up a finger in a request for Silence to wait as the office door was rapped on.

"Who is it?" She glanced down when she noticed Silence asking the same thing.

"Matilda, My Lady."

"Come in dear." She signed Matilda's name to Silence and his brow furrowed for a moment before he grinned and relaxed again. Sophia didn't have time to ask him about it however. Matilda slipped in and she took in the young womans state.

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