Story's End?

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Sophia hadn't managed to find Silence. No one had, apparently. The only thing they had found was Johanna, covered in blood and dead just outside the kitchen door. She had been stabbed to death. Sophia had rushed back to her office and felt her heart twist when she couldn't find the dagger. She had gone through everything on her desk, denying the possibility. She had finally swept everything to the floor in rage and grief when the accursed blade refused to make an appearance.

She had collapsed into her chair to sob. Nothing was going right. Everything was a disaster and she had lost everyone she had ever held dear. Her shoulders shook with contained tears and she hid her face in her hand, elbow propped on the arm of her chair as she fought the mental break down. Her heart was already broken into too many pieces to count.

"My Lady."

Sophia flinched a little, not bothering to lift her head. She simply identified the voice and took note of the fluttering heart beat. "Yes, Matilda. What is it?" The young maid swallowed hard, shifting nervously. Sophia fought irritation. "What is wrong?"

Matilda stumbled over her words in fear. "The killer, the one everyone has been hunting for. Well, I saw him, standing over the last victim. At first I thought he would kill me too but then he just-"

Sophia closed her eyes as she prayed for patience and then interrupted as gently as possible as she lifted her head from her hand. "Matilda." The maid jumped and flinched, heart beat picking up again. Sophia schooled her features into an encouraging smile. "Who was it dear?"

Matilda's gaze lifted to lock with Sophia's. "It was Silence."

Sophia shook her head. "It couldn't have been."

Matilda sniffled and tears poured down her face. The young woman didn't want to believe it either. "It was. He was covered in blood. He held the knife. He- He was-" She choked on sobs and ran for the door. She crashed into Pierre, but didn't stop to apologize or even acknowledge the mistake. She simply gasped for breath and ran away, probably to wherever she felt safe enough to deal with her grief in peace.

Pierre watched her go, then shut the door behind himself as he moved into the office. "I found Silence, My Lady."

Sophia licked her lips, trembling, though she wasn't quite sure from which emotion. "Where is he Pierre?" Her voice was cold. Angry. The contrite look on her seconds face was not helping her mood at all. "Where is he? Where is Silence?"

"He is dead My Lady."

She screamed in rage and sorrow. Bloody tears ran down her cheeks, staining her face. She launched herself at Pierre, beating at his chest with her fists. He pulled her into an embrace, gently shushing her.

"I'm so sorry my Lady. I'm so very sorry. I just couldn't allow him to continue as she had. The death toll was just too high. I promise you it was a quick death."

She shuddered as she clutched at Pierre, trying to get herself back under control. She hadn't realized just how much she had relied on Silence. Used his presence to ground her. Gauged his reactions and tempered her behavior when she started to get too out of control. Borrowed his sanity.

"Give me his body. I need him. It's not to late to bring him back. Give me his body Pierre."

Pierre stiffened. She held her breath, already knowing she wasn't going to like the next words out of his mouth.

"I burned the body My Lady. I knew you would want to bring him back and thought that would only make the killings more horrific. I'm sorry. I only did what I thought I had to. To keep this household safe."

She shoved him away. "Get out," she hissed. She turned away from him, clutching at herself, as if she thought she only had to hold herself tightly enough and she wouldn't fall apart. She felt Pierre try to step forward to comfort her again and screamed. "GET OUT!"

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