Chapter Eighteen. Kidnapped.. again?

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"This is all my fault." I breathed out, holding up an ice pack to Jace's face. He gave me a light smile, pushing the ice pack off of him.

"I don't need this. I heal a lot quicker than a human."

I rolled my eyes, still pressing the ice pack to his face. He only laughed at me.

"And, Scarlett, this isn't your fault."

I shook my head at him. I knew kissing him would piss off Grey.

"Listen, Jace.." I began, looking into his eyes.

"I know." He said, cutting me off. "He's your soul mate. You're always going to want him."

I sighed, resting my head on his shoulder. Grey had ran back up to the house after almost killing Jace. Part of me thought he wasn't going to let go, but he did.

"And I'm okay with that, Scarlett."

He brought his eyes to mine, as I stared deep into him. His wounds were already looking better, healing just as he said they would. He gently placed his hand on mine as he leaned into me.

"But the second you don't want him, I'm here." Jace's face was hard, his expression unreadable.  I blinked, baffled by him. I swear, the Mavericks brothers were going to be the death of me.

"We should probably get back to the party." I breathed out, my eyes not moving from his. Jace only nodded, as he got up from the ground, and headed towards the house.

As I trailed behind him, I felt as if eyes were watching me. I turned around, only to meet the dark forest behind me. Nothing but the cool night greeted me. I shrugged it off as we made our way back.


The party was still roaring with life once we reached the main house. I looked over at Jace, astonished. He was right. His wounds were almost completely healed. If only I had powers like that, but no, I'm just their weak little human.

"I have to go find Grey!" Jace yelled in my ear, as he began to turn away from me. I tugged on his arm, pulling him back.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" I asked, suddenly afraid Grey would actually kill him this time.

"He's my brother, Scarlett."

I nodded, as Jace disappeared into the crowd. I looked around, feeling alone as I stared at all the people in their own worlds. I decided to head up to one of the rooms, and try to sleep the party away. This is not a night I would like to remember. My legs felt tired and restless as I found an empty room, and collapsed on the bed. I tuned out the party downstairs as I fell into a dreamless sleep.


Pain. That was the first thing I felt when I began to wake up. I winced, my whole body was sore. I tried to stretch my legs, but found that I couldn't. They were bound. I looked down at my arms, that were bound together as well. Panic began to settle in my stomach as I took in my surroundings. I was.. moving? I looked around, moving as much as I could. I was in the back seat of a dark car. I began to scream, my whole body shaking. Tears escaped from my eyes as I realized, this was it. Suddenly the car began to slow. We pulled up to a secluded gas station, it was still late at night. Blazing fear grew within me as the driver stepped out of the car, and in front of my door. I screamed to the top of my lungs, my breathing ragged as I tried to get away from the door, but I could barely move. The door opened, as I turned away from my kidnapper, but he quickly grabbed my arms. I looked away from him, in hysterics as he began to untie me.

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