Chapter Twenty-Nine. Hope.

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My throat was so dry, I could barely talk. My arms and legs were so weak, I could barely move. I have no idea how long I've been sitting in this chair. It feels like days. With every passing second, my hope for escaping slowly goes away. The only thing that helps me get through this is imagining seeing Grey again, being in his arms. I close my eyes, and remember what it felt like to be with him, to fall asleep next to him. I'd give anything for him to yell at me right now, anything for just him. I don't care if he hates me, I don't care if he never wants to speak to me again. I just want him. I want to see those beautiful silver eyes, and that smile that takes me breath away. I want him, but I don't want him to come here and save me. If he finds out I was taken, I know he'll do just that. But we didn't even think we could beat my dad before, and now we have to go up against Jace too? That would throw him off too much, there's no way he'd expect that. 

"It's nice to finally meet you in person."

My head shot up, coming in contact with the man that haunts my dreams. The man that was the reason for all of this. My father. He looked just as he did in my dreams, just as menacing and creepy in person. He may be my biological father, but he will never be my dad. He's not my family, and never will be.

"Why? Why are you doing this?" My voice was hoarse, not coming off as strong as I wanted it to. There was no way I could intimidate this man, he was one step away from being indestructible.

"You're lucky that you're breathing right now, my Scarlett. Your little boyfriend promised me a full line of half-breeds like you that I can drain at my own pleasure." He spat at me, as I glared at him with pure hatred.

"He's not my boyfriend. He's a freaking psycho and I'm not having any kids with him. I'd rather you kill me." I spat back at him, my head fuming. I was using all the strength I had at this point to seem strong towards him. I wasn't going to let him intimidate me.

"It's a good thing you don't have a choice in the matter." His words were cold as he walked closer to me. I felt useless, and hopeless, but I wasn't going to let him see that. I may be starving right now, and weak, but I was going to use every ounce of strength in me to survive. He turned away from me, walking out of the dark room I was in, the door slamming behind me. I slumped over in my chair, feeling weak and out of breath. Tears spilled from my eyes, only wanting to be in Grey's arms, as I closed my eyes, and pretended that's where I was.


"Shhh, my Scarlett don't cry."

My eyes jolted open as I felt Jace undo my legs. I was too weak to move as he undid my arms, causing me to slump forward in the chair. He caught me, lifting me into his arms. I tried to thrash away from him, and push him away, but I was so weak I could barely open my eyes. I can imagine I looked very similar to a dead corpse into his arms, or at least that's how it feels. I felt him set me down on a warm bed, infecting a needle into my arm. It caused me to somehow feel even weaker, as I fought to keep my eyes awake.

"Grey.." I cried, tears slipping from my eyes. I felt Jace harshly grab my wrist at the mention of his name.

"Mention him again, and I'll go back to the school and rip his heart from his chest."

My breath froze in my throat at the mere thought of it. The way Jace said it, I knew he meant it. I could feel the evil dripping from his voice. This was not my Jace. This can't be happening. I closed my eyes, wanting everything to just disappear. I felt Jace kiss my forehead as I drifted off, too weak to push him away.


"Scarlett, open your eyes for me, please."

Saving Scarlett.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें