Chapter 13: Bitchin'

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Holy shit, guys! It's been a while. 

Like almost a year.

I'm glad people are still reading this, and I'll make this note brief.

I'm not back for real, but I haven't abandoned this story yet.

Nor have I, the other ones.

This chapter is short, and full of mistakes.

Not my proudest moment.



Lynette looked at the door, her eyes furrowed as she chipped away the nail polish of her thumbnail.

"Can you stop fidgeting so much, he'll be fine."  Said Andrew, scowling at Lynette's bouncing leg.

"Can you stop being an asshole?" Asked Lynette, scowling back at him.

This caused Andrew to role  his eyes, huff and look towards Alison who was giggling at her friend's comment.

Andrew then became a bit flushed.

There was a pause before Vernon came pushing Bender by the collar.

"Get your stuff" said he shoving Bender forward. "Move!"

Lynette watched as Bender approached their table, grabbing his things and gave her a small wink.

Lynette smiled albeit nervously, as Vernon continued talking.

" Mr. Wiseguy here has taken it upon himself to go to the gymnasium. I'm  sorry to inform you, you're going to be without his services for the rest of the day."  

Bender dismissed Vernon's Vernon-y-ness and rolled his eyes.

"B-O-O H-O-O" 

This little attitude of Bender's was getting on Vernon's last nerve. He had just about enough of this young punk's disrespect, and he'd be damned if he was made a fool of.


"Everything's a big joke, huh Bender?" Vernon said scornfully. "The false alarm you pulled, Friday, false alarms are really funny, aren't they" Bender said nothing, while Vernon continued chastising the teen. "What if your home, what if your family..." Vernon knew Bender's feelings of his family so he used the second best thing.

"What if your dope was on fire?"

"That's impossible sir, it's in Johnson's underwear" Bender replied nonchalantly without missing a beat. Lynette gave a side glance at John as he he gave Vernon a hard look. This caused Brian to look at him in disbelief, thinking he was getting ratted out, only for him to be more befuddled when Vernon took it as a bluff.

Andrew gave a small chuckle, which peeved Vernon's anger more so.

"You think he's funny? You think this is cute? You think he's bitchin', is that it? Lemme tell you something. Look at him he's a bum." Accused Vernon, causing Lynette to scowl at the principle. "You want to see something funny?" continued the oh-so-wonderful principle, "You wanna see something funny? You go visit John Bender in five years! You'll see how God damned funny he is!"

 Lynette wanted to lash out and curse the principle for being so harsh to a teen, someone half his age, but Bender placed a hand on her bouncing leg, causing her to look at him. Bender didn't look at her but gave Vernon a nasty look, following his eyes as he approached him.

"What's the matter, John?  You gonna cry?" He mocked.

There was a beat as six other pairs of eyes watched the interaction.

 "Let's go" Vernon said grabbing Bender's arm.

This caused him to immediately retch his arm away from his grasp and lash out.

"Hey keep your fuckin' hands off me! I expect better manners from you, Dick!" He said.

Vernon glared at the back of Bender's head as he looked down at Lynette, dug an old #2 pencil and placed it at her desk winking, as he earned a strange look.

He then walked down and placed his sunglasses on Andrew's Table.

"For better hallway vision." He teased with a rough pat on the shoulder.

Of course, Bender couldn't leave without making a trademark scene, and so he did just that.

He knocked objects off the desk by the doors, causing a continuous ruckus until he was out of the room, and six other eyes followed,  staring in amusement and disbelief.

"Vernon will never not be dick will he?" Asked Claire.

"I mean, it's in his name." Said Lynette as she placed her head on her palm.

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