Chapter 2

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Blair walked into her writing class on Tuesday, already tired from her strenuous Monday classes. Her Tuesday and Thursday classes weren't as strenuous (she hoped) and Blair had to admit she was almost excited about the creative writing class. That was until she remembered that she'd probably have to write papers ever single week.

Taking a seat in the back row, Blair took out a notebook and an obnoxious purple gel pen, desperate to raise her spirits. She watched the class fill up with groups of first time college students looking overly happy. Some walked in alone and sat down quickly, eager to go unnoticed while others walked in with friends, acting like they already had gotten into the swing of college.  Blair smiled, remembering how happy she'd been about entering college. The freedom, the friends, and the parties were awesome...sadly, a lot of that happiness faded when she came to class completely hungover her freshmen year and accidentally threw up on the professor's podium...

Suddenly, a man in a sports coat and jeans walked in. He went up to the front of the room and took a binder out of his messenger bag. Blair watched him type on his phone, like every other person in the room, as he waited for class to begin.

She took out her own phone and texted Macy: Okay so the professor may or may not be attractive.....

Macy replied instantly, despite the fact that she was supposed to be in the middle of a lab that involved working with dangerous chemicals: GET THAT A IN THE CLASS BY GETTING THE D ;)

Blair replied, holding her phone underneath her desk for fear that somehow one of her classmates would be able to read the skanky text.

"Excuse me miss, I know it's the first day of classes but could you put your phone away at least until I'm finished going over the syllabus?"

Blair felt her face getting red and she threw her phone into her backpack, wanting everyone in the class to stop looking at her. The professor said nothing and continued going over the schedule for the semester. The class did seem easy, or at least do-able. There were two scheduled movie days on the syllabus which caused the class to clap. Unforunately, there were no tests or quizzes. Grades would be calculated solely through the writing assignments. He'd already provided all of the prompts and encouraged everyone to start looking at them now.

The professor put his printed syllabus back into his binder," I know most of you will wait till the last minute for every writing prompt because your naïve and think you own the world but I strongly discourage it. While it may seem simple upon first glance, no one wants to wait till the last minute to write a 5000 word short story, trust me I've been there and it isn't fun. Well that's all I have to say. Have a good day and I'll see you on Thursday,"

Most of the class ran out of the classroom, eager to be anywhere but there. A few kids went up to discuss the syllabus. Blair took her time packing up her journal and began writing all of the due dates into her shiny new planner. She felt bad for the phone incident and wanted to personally apologize. She knew professors were likely to hold grudges, especially against kids who were glued to their phones, so she wanted to redeem herself before she turned in any assignments.

Blair continued writing the assignments in her planner until she realized the class had emptied out. No one but her and the charming, but slightly scary, Professor Silver were in the room.

"Professor Silver, I'm Blair Hendrix," she said, extending her hand, a gesture people her age hated but adults loved.

He grabbed her hand and gently shook it," Nice to meet you, Blair. Sorry if I called you out, I just looked up and your face was completely oblivious to what I was, I just sounded eerily similar to my father when I said that."

Blair scrunched up her nose out of embarrassment," I know, I'm really sorry about that. I usually am not the kid on their phone the entire class, I promise. I'm actually really excited to take this class...when I was in middle school I wrote this entire series about my alter ego. I haven't written for fun since then."

Blair wanted to pinch herself for revealing that. Her middle school writing days were so embarrassing and filled with horribly written stories about love and puberty, she'd never shown them to anyone. 

Professor Silver smiled and Blair suddenly was curious to know if kissing someone with facial hair was painful. It looked so prickly, she couldn't imagine it being pleasant.

"If you let me read the alter ego stories, I'll give you an A in the class."

"Seriously?? I don't know, it's like filled with really embarrassing teen angst. Plus, I think they're somewhere back home, hidden away under my bed."

He laughed slightly, "I was kidding Blair, although I do love a good angst filled story."

The next class began to come into the classroom, letting the two know it was time to end their conversation. They walked out together in silence and Blair felt awkward knowing that this random person would be judging her every writing.

"I look forward to reading all of your writing, Blair."

Her name sounded so grown up coming out of his lips, a thought she almost mentioned before biting her tongue.

"I look forward to working on you...I mean with you. No, no I mean writing for you. God, I'm awful."

He smiled and waved before heading towards the library. Blair sat on a bench, enjoying the wind that had begun to blow through her hair.

Well, maybe creative writing won't be as bad as I imagined...

AUTHOR'S NOTE: First day of class w professor silver!!! What does everyone think of him so far? VOTE AND COMMENT AND LIKE IF YOU LIKED THE CHAPTER THANKS ILY

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