Chapter 24

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"We need to talk," Blair spoke into her phone, her hands shaking. After days of having conflicting thoughts she was ready to sit down with Logan to get everything out in the open.

"Okay..." Logan replied, his tone sounding confused, "do you want to meet for dinner? Or are you too mad to even eat with me?"

"You really think I'm going to turn down food for you? Hell no. Let's meet at that Thai place on Rose Road."

The two settled on a time and place and Blair deliberated on an outfit. What exactly does one wear when they're mad at someone? Aren't girls supposed to dress slutty to "show guys what they're missing?"

Blair did not feel like showing any skin, eventually deciding on leggings and a sweater. It was getting colder outside, the weather somehow matching Blair's heart perfectly, which meant anything remotely sexy was out of the question in terms of practicality.

She drove to the restaurant, blasting the Spice Girls in an attempt to give her some last minute girl power confidence.

It's fine Blair, just end things and leave! Don't even eat! Make it quick, like ripping off a bandaid!!

She walked into the Thai place and immediately saw Logan chatting up a leggy waitress. She made her way to the table quickly, sitting down without saying anything. Seeing him speak to the waitress was enough to send her over the edge, even if they had only been discussing the drink menu.

"Hello, Blair. Nice to see you." He smiled at the waitress, a silent cue letting her know she could leave.

"Hey...have you ordered yet," she glazed over the menu, quickly deciding she wouldn't just yell then leave. One doesn't simply pass on Thai food, especially not because of a guy.

"No, not yet, I wanted to wait for you."

"How thoughtful...look, I don't really want to make a scene in here or anything but I'm kind of pissed at you right now."

The words spewed out of her mouth before she could rephrase them.

The waitress brought their drinks, a beer for Logan and iced tea for Blair. She took a sip and immediately added four sugar packets to the bland drink.

"Wait, you're still mad, why?" Logan said, casually taking a sip from the beer bottle.

"You haven't even talked to me in like, weeks. Why do you think I'm pissed?"

"Oh here we go again...Blair, you really have to stop being so melodramatic. Adults have jobs and lives, get over it."

Blair stared at Logan for a few seconds. Where was the sweet guy she'd learned to love? What had happened that caused him to take on this completely new personality? Were his true colors shining?

"I understand that...I mean, we live like ten minutes away from each other, it's not that hard to call me to have lunch every so often."

"Is this because of the new years thing, Blair? I thought we were way passed that..."

Logan took another sip of beer, mumbling something under his breath. Blair rolled her eyes, wanting her food to come soon so she could just leave. She thought she was ready to talk things out, but now she felt like ignoring the issue and going home.

"Well, I guess I'm not over things, okay? I don't even know you anymore, when did you turn into such a dick?"

"I guess around the same time you became a bitch," Logan said, turning to stare out the window beside them.

Blair chuckled, "fuck you."

Logan laughed back, "fuck you too."

The two laughed at each other, not saying anything. Their food came and they ate in silence.

"I'm sorry...for everything," Logan said, placing a napkin on his now clean plate.

Blair continued to pick at her rice, which was only half cooked. She made a mental note not to come back to this place ever.

"I guess I was kind of dramatic...and jealous. I just don't know how this shit is supposed to go down, I've never been in an actual relationship."

"I know, Blair. I think we were both in the wrong. I don't want to give you up though, I do like you."

Blair smiled, "I like you too...I think."

"You think?"

"I mean, I like you but not so much right now. Maybe we should give each other some space."

"I know you're new to the whole dating thing, Blair but giving each other space pretty much means we're gong to permanently end things..."

Blair looked down at her lap, twiddling her thumbs together. She didn't know what she wanted, on one hand it seemed like the Logan she knew had briefly come back but she knew the mean Logan was somewhere deep down inside of him.

"I...don't know what I want. I think I'm going to go home," she grabbed her jacket, slipping her right arm through the sleeve.

"Wait, don't leave," he said, standing up, "I have something for you in my car."

Blair followed Logan out after he paid for the meal. She didn't want him to pay but she wanted to go home so letting him pay was much easier than arguing.

He opened the car door and leaned in, grabbing a bracelet from the cup holder.

"I think you left this at my house over winter break, I found it behind my couch."

Blair grabbed the bracelet, quickly throwing it in her purse. She nodded, proceeding to walk to her car. She turned around, noticing that Logan had followed her to the driver's side of the car.

He said nothing, instead grabbing Blair and planting his lips on hers. Blair resisted at first but finally gave in, trying her best not to enjoy the kiss.

God, why is he such a good kisser?!

"Logan, stop..."

"I'm sorry...I smelled your perfume and couldn't resist. Forget that, I'm guessing we're over?"

"I don't know...I need some time to think. I'll call you some time this week."

"Okay...I still love you, Blair," he said, closing the door. Blair looked up at him through the window and smiled slightly.


Blair got home and threw her purse down. She noticed the bracelet had slipped out and was lying on the floor. She picked it up and looked at over, trying to remember when she'd gotten in.

She threw it on the floor, causing one of the cheap, fake gems to break.

"This isn't even my fucking bracelet," she shouted to no one particular.


sorry for slow updates, summer school is kicking my ass....3 more weeks to go!

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