Chapter 17

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All in all, the trip was a disaster, but the kids learned a valuable lesson-don't approach stray dogs and don't talk to circus clowns. Blair finished typing the sentence, pleased that this was the very last paper for creative writing. The only thing left in the class was the final exam but Logan had told her not to worry, that it wouldn't be overly difficult.

As for her other classes, there was no telling how hard the final exams would be. Despite having two more weeks left before finals, Blair had already begun studying. She made her own study guides, gathered up all the flashcards she'd made over the semester, and rewrote her notes so they were easier to understand.

Needless to say, Blair was exhausted and barely had time to see anyone. It was almost a miracle Blair had a class with Logan because it meant that she at least got to see him for an hour twice a week. 

A week had passed and Blair was more than ready to get her final exams over with. The next week would be dead week-the week where students had no classes so they had more time to study. Some kids took advantage of the break and studied their asses off and others spent the week partying...

By Wednesday of dead week Blair felt dead, literally. She needed an A on one of her exams to keep her grade from falling to a B and every second she wasn't studying she felt like she was wasting time. She hadn't left her apartment for days and since it was the end of the semester her groceries were dwindling. She was living off of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, canned vegetables, and diet soda that she'd bought for a party then forgotten to bring.

On Thursday, in the middle of another cram session, Logan called.

"I know you're busy studying but how about you take a little break...?"

"Hmm...sounds tempting. What would we do on this little break," Blair asked, holding the phone with her shoulder while flipping through a textbook.

"It's a surprise, but it'll be fun, I promise."

"I want to, I really do, but I HAVE to study."

"Give your brain a little break, Blair. I'll have you back home and studying in a few hours, I promise."

"Okay, fine. Just promise me one thing."

"Sure, anything," Logan said, a concerned tone in his voice.

"We can't eat pb&j's or canned corn."

"Uhhh okay, sure I promise."

"Great, I'll be over in an hour."

"Sounds good."

Blair left her study materials where they were, not wanting to mess up her train of thought. She took mental pictures so when she came back she could jump right back into studying without any distractions.

She hopped in the shower, letting the water run on her while she stared at the shower tiles. As stressed as she was, she was also slightly disappointed that she would no longer have a class with Logan. It was probably best for the both of them, but Blair still worried that her and Logan would drift apart. 

Shaking the idea from her head, she washed her body using an unnecessary amount of body wash. She turned the water off and wrapped a towel around her hair. This was the first time in a few days when she actually felt she had to put effort into an outfit. She grabbed some skinny jeans and a long sleeve t-shirt, still wanting to be comfortable.

After getting ready and putting a little makeup on she drove over to Logan's. She knocked on the door, adjusting her top.

When she opened the door she found Logan in a t-shirt and grey sweats- a much different look than his normal school attire.

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