Chapter 20

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On Christmas morning Blair woke up at around 8:30. She could still remember when she was in elementary and her brother was in middle school and the two would run into their parents bedroom at 6am. Blair couldn't believe she'd ever been willing to wake up that early. It practically took a bulldozer to get her out of bed these days.

The night prior to this early morning Blair's brother and his mysterious fiancé had come into town. She was pretty and seemed nice and as much as Blair's mother tried to some type of flaw in her she couldn't. More people would be arriving later but as for now, Blair was free to open her presents in peace.

As much as Blair loved Christmas there was something slightly less enjoyable about going through the holiday as a "grown up". Her mom usually knew what she wanted but her relatives were clueless. For some reason they all assumed a 22 year old college student enjoyed getting Home Depot gift cards...Either way, Blair now had a lot of money to buy tools.

Blair's mom was sitting on the couch, passing out gifts to everyone.

"Blair, we didn't get you anything..." Blair's father said holding in a chuckle. This was an on going joke for him that he'd started when Blair was 13.

"Ha ha, very funny dad."

Blair's mom handed her three boxes,"These are from me and dad. Let me get you your stocking."

Blair opened the boxes was happy to find new clothes, something she always loved getting. Her mom had even caved and bought her this pink cashmere sweater that Blair had been begging her to get for months. Blair went through her stocking, happy that her parents still gave her candy every year. There was also a $100 gas card and a $20 Starbucks gift card.

"Thank you guys, this is amazing. Open the presents I got for you!"

Despite how much her parents insisted that they didn't need anything, Blair couldn't resist buying them gifts. She'd gotten her mom a cookbook written by some old actress that Blair knew her mom liked. For her dad she'd re-gifted one of the infamous Home Depot gift cards and thrown two flannel shirts in a bag. It wasn't much but she could tell from the smiles on their faces that they enjoyed it.

As for her brother, she really didn't know what he liked other than surfing and eating. She didn't really know anything about surfboard so she'd gotten him a gift card to Chipotle and some new surgical masks that had tie died elephants on them.

"Hell yeah, these are awesome, Blair!"

Blair smiled to herself, pleased that she somewhat knew her family.

The rest of her family came over and soon everyone was eating, drinking too much eggnog, and telling stories that everyone knew way too well. When they left Blair found herself genuinely sad. She found that as she grew older she missed people more...even her family members that could be crude and ignorant. There was something about hugging someone that had seen you walk around in diapers that just felt right.

Everyone helped to clean up and Brandon's fiance, Katie asked Blair's mom every two seconds if there was something she could help her with. Blair's mom appreciated the help and Brandon was happy that his parents had gotten past the whole oh yeah did I mention that I'm engaged because I'm engaged so.....

After Blair's parents went to bed Brandon, Katie, and Blair were all in the den watching Home Alone and drinking spiked hot cocoa. It felt good to wind down and drink.

"So, you have a boyfriend, right," Katie asked, raising her eyebrows at Blair. She was sweet and funny and Blair knew that they were no doubt going to be great friends.

"Blair has a teacher boyfriend," Brandon said, the rum from his drink already starting to hit him.

"Yeah...he's actually not my teacher anymore but thanks for bringing that up again, Brandon. He's cool though, sweet and thoughtful and he has this little eye crinkle that is really prominent when he laughs," Blair said, her mind drifting off into the abyss of love.

"Damn girl, it sounds like you're in love!"

Blair nodded,"yeah, I guess I kind of feels weird, this whole love thing. Like, I don't know if I'm doing it right."

Brandon smiled at Blair, ready to give his words of wisdom.

"Blair, when it comes to love nothing is right...or wrong? I don't know, I'm kind of drunk but all I know is that no boy has ever made you so happy...cherish this Leonardo fellow!"

Blair laughed at her brother's drunken stupor.

So this is how it feels to be in love....


The week ended and before Blair could really settle in at home she was back on the road, going back to school. She was glad she still had a week to spend settling back into her apartment. Plus, she had the whole week to catch up with Logan.

When she got back to her apartment she found Logan waiting by her designated parking spot. Blair felt so happy to see him she felt her heart rate begin to increase. Not caring about how messy or tired she was she leaped out of the car throwing herself on Logan.

"Blair, I've missed you," Logan said, squeezing Blair tightly.

"I missed you more," Blair said, taking in Logan's signature smell. That was another weird thing about love, it made you notice everything...even smells.

They unloaded the car and before they knew it, Blair's apartment was back to being a cluttered mess, filled with boxes.

"I freaking hate moving," Blair said, overjoyed to be back on her own couch that was perfectly worn in.

"Agreed," Logan said, following suit and laying his head on Blair's shoulder.

"Wanna order Chinese?"

"Yes, please."

Blair called and ordered the food while Logan channel surfed. She couldn't help but realize how well they meshed. She wondered if it'd always be this easy, one person channel surfing while the other ordered orange chicken.

After the food arrived and the white take out boxes were empty, the two sat on the couch, blissfully resting in silence.

"Hey Logan," Blair said in a hushed tone.

"Yeah Blair bear?"

"Can we do this all week? Be lazy and stay on the couch?"

"I can't think of a better way to spend vacation," Logan said, running his hand through Blair's hair in a way that sent delightful chills up her spine.


ALSO, I received some really good news and I feel like a weight is off my shoulders...I hope all of my readers feels this at ease as well 💜


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