Chapter 18

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Blair flipped over her exam, praying that she'd gotten an A- at the very least. She flipped it over and saw an A written in large red market.

She'd done it, she's somehow managed to get all A's for her second to last semester. Blair felt like she could finally exhale, knowing that she'd achieved her goal. Now all she had to do was pack up her entire life for Christmas break. She'd already told her parents she was going to stay with them for three weeks then come back to spend another week at school.

To be fair, she'd told a small white lie and said that the week would be spent working on a special "extra credit project for next semester". They were pleased and even though she'd really just be lounging around with Logan, she figured maybe she could buy her textbooks early so she would still technically be getting ahead for the upcoming semester.

Blair was at home with her two big suitcases lying face up on the floor of her bedroom. She somehow had to fit three weeks worth of clothes into two suitcases, which was not proving to be easy. She had all her clothes picked out but it was the folding that proved to be most difficult. By the time Blair managed to fit all the clothes, shoes, and accessories into the bags she realized she hadn't even begun packing her bathroom items.

Blair took a break, lying on her couch drinking an iced coffee that wasn't nearly strong enough to give her the energy she so badly needed.

She decided to text Macy who she hadn't spoken to in days. Both friends had been so busy, they even lost their streak on was very devastating for them.

Blair: MACY

Blair: I miss you!!


Macy: also.....fuck school?

Blair: Lol oh god, finals didn't go well?

Macy: I got my first C ever...

Blair: Wtf?? On a final?

Macy: No a quiz

Blair: Did it bring your grade down?

Macy: I'm still pissed though

Blair: Lol chill boo, you're fine

Macy: Ugh, I know

Macy: curse my over achiever personality :/

Macy: On a side note, how are you and Silver??? I saw him walking around campus and he waved at me


Macy: Lol shut up, it's a big deal!

Blair: He's good...we're good. I'm like kind of staying with him for a week during Christmas break


Macy: since when are you two moving so quickly? what does your mom say about that?

Blair: I may have told her something a lil

Macy: Blair you bad girl!

Blair: ;)

Macy: Just don't get pregnant, girl

Blair: I won't mom, don't worry momma Macy😓

Macy: Omg! Before I forget, guess who i got to watch The Notebook with me??

Blair: Shut up, Jack?! He can't stand romantic movies...

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