Chapter 28

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"Oh my god, Blair I'm such a bitch! Forcing you to spy with me...then we saw Logan all oily...I just feel awful."

"No, Macy, you were just trying to do the right your own way. The truth needed to come out...I'm going to call Logan and end things after we hang up."

"Wow, I'm shocked, it kind of seemed like you were ready to forgive him."

"I was...but this old lady from Starbucks kind of made me change my mind."

"Old lady from Starbucks?? Girl what are you talking about?"

"I'll tell you about it later, I need to end things with Logan before I change my mind or something."

"Okay, good luck girl."

Blair hung up and smiled, thankful that Macy was such a good friend, even if she did have a odd way of showing it at times. Now, came the hard part, breaking up with Logan.

She knew breaking up over the phone was a faux pas thing to do but then again, isn't thinking cheating is perfectly fine also a faux pas?

Blair looked at her phone, her fingers hovering over the screen. She inhaled deeply, going to her contacts and slowly scrolling down to the Ls.

She clicked on Logan's name, his contact picture was him holding a kitten. Blair smiled, having forgotten about the memory. The two had been bored one afternoon and gone to a pet shelter. It ended up being pretty sad since neither were ready for the commitment that came with having a pet, but at the moment it was amazing. Blair remembered how Logan had been good with all the cats, somehow knowing just the right way to pet and hold them.

He knows his way around pussy, that's for sure...

She shook her head, not wanting to cloud her judgement with one measly memory. She clicked on his contact and hit the call button. She put the call on speakerphone, placing it on her kitchen counter.

"Blair, hey! I've really been meaning to call you...we really need to talk."

"Yeah, no shit. Look, I don't want to carry this out and I have a really busy schedule so just say what you have to say so I can make my peace."

Blair looked around her apartment, trying to think of some fake chores to tell Logan she had to complete if he started ranting.

"Blair...I'm sorry, I truly am. I know you probably don't care and I'm sure your friend convinced you that I'm a horrible person but you know me, baby. You know I'm a good guy."

"Okay, first of all my friend didn't have to convince me of anything, I came to my own conclusions about you all on my freaking own. Secondly, I'm not your fucking baby...I'm just another girl you were sleeping with, right? What, do you have a thing for young girls? God, you probably have a rotation of girls from your classes!"

"Calm down, was never like that."

Blair took a deep breath, her hands shaking. Partially, from her nervousness and partially from her overwhelming anger that she now felt. One thing she wouldn't miss from Logan was him constantly telling her to calm down.

"Yeah, it was like that. You're a piece of shit, Logan. We're through," she closed her eyes,"I don't want to talk you ever again. Have a great life." She was about to hang up on him before he could say anything else but he yelled wait.

"Blair, please, don't do this...I'll change! I'll never cheat on you again, and I'll help you look for jobs after graduation...just, don't do this."

"It's already done, dude. Not that it's any of your fucking business but I actually already have an amazing job lined up...out of the country."

Blair hadn't actually considered going to work in London but as the words came out of her mouth, they felt right. Maybe leaving everyone behind for a little bit would really allow her to heal and to discover who she is as a young lady.

"O-o-out of the country? Wow...looks like things are going really well for, Blair..."

"Yeah, they thanks to you. Okay, well I have to go so goodbye."


"Oh lord, what now Logan?"

"I-I-I really liked you. I just hope you know that."

"Mhmm, just like you really like the other girls you chose to sleep with, right?"

Before Logan could open his mouth again, Blair hung up. She felt good, better than she had in awhile. It was if a weight had been completely lifted from her shoulders. Life would go on and even if she did miss Logan, she had better things to look forward to, graduation, paid internships, and of course...European boys.


Two weeks had passed and Blair's life continued to blossom. She'd been working with her soon to be boss, Gladys every weekend, learning the beginnings of business management. Blair loved her and whenever she went to work she felt more like she was hanging out with a friend.

She was working on a last minute paper, putting the finishing touches on, when her phone rang.

"Hey, mom! How are you? How's dad?? How's the hamster?"

"Wow, someone sounds very happy. Me and your father are doing fine, honey...the hamster is messy, but we're managing. How are you? Only two more months till graduation!"

"I know, it's hard to believe...I'm doing good, really good actually. Gladys said my apartment in London is already arranged so right after graduation I can head over there."

"Oh my gosh, that's so amazing, Blair. I'm so proud of you...your father and I both are. I know we don't say it enough but you've really turned into such a bright and beautiful young woman."

"Mom," Blair said, dragging out the end of the word so her mom wouldn't get all choked up and weepy.

"Right, sorry, look I just wanted to let you know that we all booked our flights and hotels, so expect lots of screams when you walk across that stage!"

Blair chuckled,"Okay mom, I'll try not to turn too red when that happens"

Author's Note: Okay guys...Teacher's Pet is coming to an end very very soon! THIS CHAPTER IS PRETTY SHORT I'M SORRY I DIDN'T WANT TO INFUSE IT WITH POINTLESS DETAILS OR FRILL LOL

this gif is def how our improved Blair must have felt after ending with jerky Logan!!

-----Please please please what you want for the upcoming chapters!!! Do we want an epilogue, interview with any of the characters, etc??? LEMME KNOW PLEASE :)-------

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