Chapter 3

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On Saturday Blair was woken up by her next door neighbors playing extremely loud music. It was so loud in fact that the apartments all down the hall proceeded to obnoxiously bang on their walls in response to the loud music. Needless to say, Blair was unable to go back to sleep. Desperate to remain on top of her school work for the entire semester she forced herself out old bed, showered, and threw on a lazy outfit that consisted of Adidas jogger pants and a tshirt from a sorority event she hadn't gone to. She went down to the first floor of her building which had the "meeting room", aka a room that had a few computers and some comfortable couches.

She plopped herself down on one of the couches and opened up her school email which was already filled with twenty emails...Kappa Kappa Bake Sale! Senior Picnic, Volunteers Needed! Another perk of college was the constant email tsunami that always seemed to consist of pointless school events that no one attended unless they were required to.

She deleted the ones that didn't pertain to her and moved all of the important ones to appropriate folders. Just as she was about to click Log Out an email from none other than Professor Silver came in.


Hello class, while I'm sure most of you will be spending this evening out partying or binge watching Netflix, I wanted to invite you to a movie at the old theatre on Holly Street. It's a documentary that centers on a man who graduated school with a law degree and ended up writing best selling romance's very interesting and funny and if you come up and tell me hey I'll give you five extra points on the first writing assignment!

                        Hope to see some familiar faces,

                       Professor Silver :)

Blair questioned if she should go. Spending a Saturday with an attractive man who could wear the hell out of sports coats did sound appealing. Then again, Macy had invited her to a frat party that she'd insisted would be "filled to the brim with hot dudes." Remembering her own vow to end her college career on a high note (she'd already told her parents she would for sure be graduating with honors, despite her year of uncertainty) she told herself that going to the little movie event would have to be a must if it meant getting some extra points.

All day Blair worked on assignments, getting ahead in her advanced business courses and even jotting down ideas for the first writing assignment that Professor Silver had assigned. The prompts were all so vague that Blair was eager to ask her teacher what the hell he was looking for.

The first prompt was: Tell me a story about the ocean

The ocean itself was so big, Blair had no clue what she should write about. Did he want a story about nature...or animals...pollution...mermaids?! She wish she had some sort of hint as to exactly what Professor Silver liked reading. The more she thought about it the worse her ideas got, so she closed the spiral notebook, saving the ocean paper for another day.

She slightly hated herself for spending ten minutes picking out an outfit and slapping on some makeup but hey, she didn't want to look sloppy, even if she was going to be in a dark room for two hours.

As she pulled into a parking space she saw her handsome professor. He was in dark wash jeans, Chelsea boots, and a flannel that made him look like more of a indie band member than a college professor.

Since when do professors look like Gucci models?!

Blair ran to catch up to him, tapping him on the shoulder while he stood in line to buy tickets to the film.

"Hey! I was hoping I'd see you here," he said as he gave the movie theatre employee his credit card. Blair smiled, happy that she'd worn a pair of jeans that made her butt look good. As Maci had told her, there is nothing wrong with using your God given assets to help you get through life.

Before she could say so much as hi her professor was buying her ticket.

"You don't have to do that, professor! I know I'm a broke college student, but I can afford a $7 ticket."

He got the two tickets through the window and handed one to Blair," My treat."

Blair took the ticket and walked into the theatre, thinking about how it must have totally looked like her and Professor Silver were on a date. Maybe he'd sit next to her and she could pretend it was a date. She'd never been on a real date, especially not with someone mature enough to not try and make out during the end credits.

"I get to buy you popcorn, since you bought my ticket. I insist," Blair said as she walked to the concession counter.

She bought a large popcorn, two icees, and package of Sour Skittles and struggled to carry all of the items. Putting his phone away, Professor Silver grabbed everything with ease, making Blair feel like a child at the movies with their parent.

"You didn't have to buy all this, Blair. I will totally eat everything though, don't you worry."

They walked into the theatre and Blair was pleased to see that no one else in the theatre was under the age of forty. Now she didn't have to worry about classmates pitying her for having a teacher sit next to her because she was all alone.

"I hope you enjoy this, Blair," he whispered as the lights began to dim.

She looked at him," I'm sure I will, professor."

He turned to face the screen then turned back to Blair," You can call me Logan when we're not in class. I feel super old when people call me professor."

Oh lord, did I just get to a first name basis with my teacher???

Author's Note: ANOTHER CHAPTER UP YAYAY :) blair and LOGAN have officially hung out outside of class...things are moving fast! I'm sorry this was kind of a crappy filler chapter but i pinky promise things are going to start heating up real soon!!!

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