Chapter Eighteen

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*Zach's POV*

Barging through my office with a thundering roar, I slammed the door shut while punching the wall. My anger radiating from me in waves. That fucking bastard of an old hag has the audicacy to taunt me of ways he could kill Lex if ever he finds out I'm in love with her. Damn him of all people!! Punching the wall more times, I'm surprised my knuckles didn't bleed. Which only meant one thing....I need to visit the witch soon. This is not a good sign.

Taking a deep breath in, I leaned myself on the huge mahogany desk of my office. That same desk I have to do the inevitable and has to kiss that blonde just so grandpa doesn't notice. Geez! Why do blonde girls love messing my life?

Suddenly, the office door opened and closed gently in a seductive way. No need to be Einstein to know it is the bitch.

" have grown" she remarked as she paddled towards me with a sway of that hips of her. My other side bristling towards her but I held him back. If I throw a tantrum at her, it'll only please her.

"Hmmm...I bet you got better in bed with that physique of yours. Can I have just one taste?" She said seductively as she trails her sick fingers down my arm. It takes everything in me not to lash out and claw at her.

Veronica is something that always brings my inner monster out without control. My childhood years is filled with filth with what my grandfather and her did to me.

I was seven when grandpa started to "train" me. Making me fight fully grown males who are stronger, bigger, taller, and more skilled than I am. Every time I lose a battle, the whip will be the one to make itself known. I remember every time I have to wake up early, wincing and crying in pain. Grandpa have isolated me from the outside world, making me live in the East Wing of the mansion where everyone is banned to enter. He also banned my mother to enter, whipping the both of us when we are caught.

As I grow up, I learned to become hard-boiled, both physically, mentally and emotionally. I became independent, growing up without anyone to raise me; except for the whip that is constant on my skin. My father couldn't help that time because he was so busy in the company, and every time he comes home, I will be sent there and act like I wasn't tortured.

I was nine when I finally had my first kill. My grandfather getting furious as to why I am not winning for years, when the truth is, I already have the strength and skill to kill his pawns but I just refrain myself from doing so. It pleases me to see him all frustrated and riled up. The whip that is constant on my skin became like a second nature to me, I have developed immunity from it until all pain is nothing to me...even gunshot wounds.

Through the years of growing up, it's only Liz that is tolerated to come near me. Stitching me up and feeding me when I can't feed myself. Through those years, I have became mad in loneliness. That constant anxiety of being locked up alone got to me and before I know it, I already lost my sanity.

I don't know what happened. All I remember is mom and Liz escaping me to take me to a witch's house to help me. That's all I remember before going back to hell again, and this time, worse. Since then, I never saw mom again.

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