Chapter Sixty-Nine II

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Date Written: October 21, 2017

    Have you guys guessed who's the intruder last chapter??


*Zach's POV*

    Eyes of blazing fury track his movements as he strolls inside the meeting room with confidence oozing out of him. He wears this sly smirk that has me and my other side itching to claw out of that slightly wrinkled face of his.

    I feel myself starting to succumb in darkness but for the love of God I need to be IN CONTROL! Just until I could get this leech out anyways.

    My other side is not in agreement with me, still rattling his cage; roaring out his rage, his hunger and thirst for blood too much for me to handle. My mind switches to humanity to insanity, going over to keeping in control and back to wanting to paint the whole room in this sick man's blood.

    A hard stomp on my foot has me wincing inaudibly and snapping out from falling in the pit of darkness.

    Looking at Ducleus in my right, his face is impassive as I thank him with my eyes. It's a good thing we all know how to act like nothing happened before he suspects something. I swear he always has his nose on people's business.

    "Is there a meeting? I would like to be included if it's OK to all of you?" Serpentine tongue pushed words out that has me clenching my fists under the table. I want to scream 'No' at him so bad.

    "Would you leave if we say no?" A spartan official coldly asked that has my grandfather chuckling with a gleam in his eyes.

    "Oh...words are not enough to get rid of me, boy" the spartan's jaw clenched at the petty insult thrown his way. If he's not careful, he might do something rash that can lead to chaos. Giving him a look of warning, he eased on his chair while crossing his arms over his chest...annoyed.

    "We were suppose to have a meeting"

    All heads snapped towards my dad in alarm while he remains impassive. I gave him a questioning look that he ignored. For a split second, I thought he's still on grandpa's side that has betrayal snaking inside me.

    Was mom's story not enough for him to change his perceptive about grandpa? Mom had told him the story of how grandpa treated me and mom years ago, how he isolated me, how he raised me brutally, how he kept my mother from he broke me. Mom also admitted that grandpa had taken advantage of her after she came back with me when she had to consult someone - probably the witch - when I showed signs of turning to a half-dead dominant at a young age. That's when dad nearly destroyed the whole house in rage and me losing control that led me staying in the underground basement for five days and nights. It's then that dad and I decided to go against him and that we needed a plan. I shared him my plan a few months back that I'm slowly putting in action that has him agreeing and helping.

    Now...I'm really not sure which side is he on.

    "About what?" Grandpa asked with a smile in his voice, quite celebrative to be exact that has me swallowing down the growl that wants to come out.

    Dad gestured around the whole table, pointing at the Spartans "As you see, we have our alliances here, which are the Spartans. We were thinking about bonding together, invite fellow dominants as they teach us about their Greek games. Something thrilling"

    I relaxed at his words and everyone around the room seemed to release the breath they're holding.

    "Greek games are indeed intriguing. Why not make it a tournament of some sort?" Grandpa asked as he pulled a chair from the table and sat down with a suppose-to-be tired sigh.

    "That would stray the purpose of the Spartans' presence here. As we know, they don't usually join us at gatherings, even the dominants gathering." I spoke up as he looked at me curiously. "They agreed to come to bond with us through the games in Greece, not make it a tournament where the place will turn into a hostile territory." I looked at him dead in the eye, challenging him to argue.

    "The purpose is to bond and have fun, what kind of tournament are you thinking? Something that causes rivalry?" I remained impassive although I'm raging in the inside.

    "But what's the fun in that?!" He exclaimed exasperatedly. "We are already having the Spartans here in our company, why not use the chance to test their strength with ours? That's the tournament I'm thinking. We are dominants, fighting is what we call fun..." My jaw clenched at his words. "...and besides, nothing is thrilling if it doesn't get bloody" he smiled at me cockily that has my fist twitching with the need to punch him.

    The room fell silent for a moment as he remained smiling sickly sweet at dad and I.

    "Probably..." Dad spoke up a while later. "We'll keep that in mind. Thanks for the idea. Though I have a place where I'm needed, I have to cut this meeting short and let's discuss the schedule and other matters next time. I'll inform you all about the next meeting. Until then, enjoy your stay" Dad started to stand up, giving me a look that I immediately understand.

    Following his lead, the others followed although they're a little bit confused.

    A sudden burning rage has me pausing in my track as they all filed out of the room. Resting my hands on the sturdy long mahogany desk, I tried to catch my breath as the rage intensified.

    Except, it's not my own...

    it's Lex's.

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