Chapter Forty-Six

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Date Written: July 11, 2017

AN: The quote suits Alexandrielle 😅😅

*Alexandrielle's POV*

Laughters echoed through the whole place while my eyes are still glued to that certain guy who's been so tense since I've sang in the stage. I know I made a desicion to leave him for good but I couldn't help but give in to what my heart really ingrain him in my life.

I've been watching him for the past two hours, memorizing all his features. My other side kept whining in sadness but she didn't fight me when I made that desicion. For once she understands my pain and is willing to let Zach go in return of our happiness.

Tyler have tried to lighten me up and I'm glad that it was working. Although the coldness seeps at times and there's also the time when I become too agitated with people around me. Thank god Tyler was with me and he would take me away when he notices what I'm feeling. I know he thought I'm agitated because I was never exposed with other dominants. I just let him believe that although the real reason is far frightening than that.

My eyes have also flashed red many times and I always notice Zach trying to approach me but refraining. There is one time when he tried to approach me but Tyler reached me first. Such raw jealousy flashed in his eyes and I swear I saw it flash red. He just stormed away with clenched fists. Luckily, Tyler didn't notice how my eyes flashed red. Wheew!

The loud hooting and cheering of a group of males on our left caught both Tyler and I's attention.

It seems like they're cheering for someone to sing on the stage by the looks of it. But due to the fact that male dominants are tall, I couldn't really figure out.

After a while or so, I got bored and Tyler asked me the time when I asked him where he stayed.

"We can go check it out" he suggested with a gleam in his eyes. I nodded, feeling a bit tipsy with the wine I currently took. Dominants don't get drunk easily. For your example, this red wine I'm drinking. Ordinary humans will get tipsy almost immediately after drinking just one glass while dominants have to drink four to five in order to do so. And me? Well I only managed three so I'm safe right?

We both walked side by side with each other, going to a staircase I never thought exist. Maybe we're on the staircase heading to the right wing? Could be.

But I got more curious when we turned in a direction that I know is heading to the left wing...odd.

My jaw dropped when I realized where we arrived...our floor. The Collins' and the Harrison's floor!

"How..?" I trailed off as Tyler shrugged in a bashful smile. "Guess my so-called brothers didn't mention me huh?" He asked a bit jokingly until it clicked to me.

"You're brothers with the twins?!" I screeched in shock. Yes I screeched. Blame that on the red wine. I don't act like myself every time I drink those.

"Yeah" Tyler admitted while scratching the back of his neck.

"Hey!" Tyron or maybe Tyson knocked on Zach's side of the window and he rolled it down.

"Mind if we go there together? Our greatest of company left us" he said cheekily and Zach just gave him a pointed look.

When they said "our greatest of company left us" does it mean it is Tyler?

"But why didn't I see you? I've been here mostly but why...?" I asked out loud.

He sighed "Well...I promised that I wouldn't bother you anymore, didn't I?" He asked and I nodded.

"But you still came and talked to me" I pointed out and he nodded.

"It seems like you need one" he shrugged and I agreed with him. Tyler is really a great company.

Surprisingly, his room is the the opposite of the hallway from mine.

"Wanna watch a movie?" He asked after I get myself comfortable in his bed.

"Shoot!" I exclaimed excitedly as I grabbed a pillow and hugged it tightly.

After he scoured through the CD's a few minutes he gave off a defeated sigh.

"Nothing here appeals me" he said as he showed me the CD's. All are horror - not so brave on that-, boring cheesy movies, overrated action movies, annoying robot movies, and cliche not-so-beautifully-made movies.

"Agreed" I mused. You see, I'm more into fantasy type. I like some simple love story movie but not the one that is too cliche. Tyler is the exact opposite. All those genres are his favorite (minus his words 'none of these appeals me', I know those does. Why should it be stacked there if those doesn't appeal him?) but I appreciate it in him for watching a movie in my favor.

Sighing, there's only one CD that is close enough to my liking...'Friends with benefits'.

Ironic, I know. We were like that once before Zach came in...

Everything happened so fast. One minute, we were both watching. The next both of us are gazing into each other's eyes until I was already lying on the bed with Tyler on top of me.

AN: Please don't hate me. *puppy eyes*

Anyways, throw all hateful objects at me. Food, drinks, duvets, clothes...whatever. Just not eggplants though...those are nasty violet color things.

Can someone throw me some chocolates? I really need some. 😹😹

QUICK QUESTION: What would you feel or how will you react if your best friend leaves you for another friend?


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