Chapter Forty-Four

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*Zach's POV*

"Zach, what happened?" I turned my head away from dad's scrutinizing gaze with a hard glare on the floor.

"That mutt's scent is all over her" I gritted out, my chest vibrating with the force of my growl as the scent is still fresh in my nose as if I'm still smelling it. The purtrid smell of his is ingrained on her, faint but it is still there. No matter how hard I try, it still makes me furious. Fucking bastard has his hands on her and she didn't stop him?!

'What do you expect?' A voice in my head asked that only ticked me off more. I know I fucked up with her but I never thought she'll do that.

"And how are you holding it?" He asked me as I growled.

"What do you think? Having your female smelling of another male, how do you think I will react?" I snapped at him. My aggression becoming more and more intense as time pass by. I have encountered this thing before but when I met Lex...everything just ticked in place. My once messed up life became bearable and more stable, more peaceful and less aggressive. But now that we're not the same anymore...I don't even know what will happen.

Dad flashed me his canines that has my other side trying to come out and teach his father who to not flash his canines with. Instead, I give every control I have to push him down. He's been more constant in the surface lately and I know, if I won't be able to stop this madness I'm facing in myself; he'll take over and god forbid that happens.

"Sorry" I muttered as I tightly closed my eyes and took a deep breath in and out. After a while of calming myself down, I finally faced my father.

Nodding his head at me, he motioned us to sit down and we did. "In my opinion, you're getting more and more aggressive the more things about Alexandrielle becomes...sensitive. I've been monitoring you lately and you are only calm when she's around. Although I couldn't say the same now especially with another male's scent on her." I growled at that "I thought of possible solutions to come up with but both are at high risk." He continued as I straightened in my seat. He looked at me dead in the eye, gauging my reaction before continuing.

"My first solution, is for you to stay with each other for the mean time. But we should monitor the both of you. If it still worsen, considering the fact that there is a rift between you, it could be highly risked that you'll be more aggressive. The bright part is, at least your beast will be calm enough to not go to..." He trailed off, not wanting to utter the word. It seems so painful for us to even talk about it, although the signs and symptoms to me only leads to one thing. Lex is also showing signs of it too but I just hope we can prevent it.

Dad took a deep breath while pinching the bridge of his nose. "My other solution is that, both of you have to stay apart" my head snapped at him in disbelief "It is to prevent any more negative emotions from the both of you that'll only add to the worsening case of the both of you. It can either calm you down a bit, have a little space, but the chances of becoming more aggressive is higher. In conclusion, none of these two solutions can work surely. It is just in the matter for the fate to decide" he sadly concluded as he leaned back in his chair. My brows furrowed, trying to think of anything that can help both Lex and I. But not even one can help. Whenever there is a solution, there is huge consequence. It's like we're really stuck into it.

"There's nothing we can do, dad" I sadly told him. His eyes flashed angrily as he slammed his fists on his desk.

"Don't say that. There has to be another way! We still have time, son. Giving up won't lead you anywhere." He said the last part softly. His eyes starting to water as he took a shaky breath in. I looked away from him. Dad and I never been really that close but I can't stand seeing him hurt or sad.

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