Chapter Eighty-Four

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Date Written: January 28-February 9, 2018

    AN: This is the continuation of what's happening back to Fernando, Zach and the others.

    If you guys can't recall, I'll give you some throwback.

    The last chapter on Zach's location was when Zach broke down upon containing Alexandrielle back in the underground basement. The chapter revolves around how the others found Jaken's mangled body on the second floor and how they didn't notice that someone is actually spying on them.

    Now that it is cleared...OFF TO THE STORY!! 🙋

    Ps: I think this chapter is the third to the last *shrugs before disappearing*


*Zach's POV*

    It's funny how numbness can make you feel. There are times that you feel such excruciating pain that you wish for something to take it away, that you wish that you become numb from all the pain you're going through. Sometimes, when that pain becomes too unbearable, people would try to do something that will cost our life.

    Sometimes, people tends to shut their feelings off due to that pain. Mostly, we became numb; shutting ourselves to the world...not feeling even when you're already hurting the people around you.

    It sucks how numbness only comes when it's not already needed.

    That makes me think, is numbness a good thing or a bad one?

    "I'll stay"

    All of them turned towards me with questioning looks as the word left me.

    "Zach it's not safe to be alone out here. Let's just go clean up first then we can come back" dad's offer is appealing to most but the urge to stay and not leave my female unguarded has me rooted to my spot; not wanting to leave even if heaven and hell comes crashing down.

    "I'll stay. I'm not leaving her here all alone" I let my voice drop lower, the sound coming out deeper as my authority rings around the air around us. Never will I bend in my position. My female will always come first from now on, even myself.


    A hand was placed on my father's shoulder, my mother's gentle look has his fur settling down as the battle of his instincts became docile. My dark side instantly recognized our father, giving out a longing whine out that has his answering back.

    Looking at everyone around me, all are worn down by grief. Fernando's the worst. It's hard to meet his eyes with all the pain and grief engraved in it and I have a feeling that those will stay forever in his eyes.

    Lucia and Ducleus kept their calm yet I know the situation had tire and affected them as badly as the rest of us. Lex's mother in a tight grip of Ducleus' hands, not once ever losening his grip on the filthy female that has my fangs elongating on their own and flashing towards her. She instantly cowered, a whimper escaping her lips before she peed herself in fear.

    All of us wrinkled our noses in disgust. This female's stink is never ending. How did Fernando ever managed to fall in love with her, let alone be in the same room as her?

    My eyes swept around the place that was once a peaceful place for Lex. A place where she can let her guard down even when everyone around her have the nag to hurt her.

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