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The (H/C) haired girl layed on her bead, pondering if she actually met an idol- no, a model, on accident.

She then chuckled to herself and jokingly said to herself, "Maybe it was fate."

Little did she know, it was indeed, fate.


The black haired man sighed, staring at his laptop.

He was speaking with his closest friend, Jung Hoseok.

"I-I just.. I don't know Hoseok, for some reason I get the feeling I'll see her again."

Hoseok laughed, "maybe it's fate?"

Yoongi joked along with him, "Sure, she didn't seem like she knew me so I guess her 30% chance of meeting me went well."

Hoseok laughed again, "But seriously Yoongi-hyung. If you feel that you'll meet her again then sure but... If you actually feel that you'll meet her, like feel, as in you're gut tells you this. Then this might actually develope into a love story."


"Oh sorry Yoongi I have to go now... Bye!"
The pink haired male waved at the screen, and Yoongi waved back.

•The Next Day•


Crap, that guy's captivating my mind..." (Y/N) mattered softly under her breath as she scanned the shelves, looking for the book Jisoo wanted.

For some reason, Jisoo couldn't get this book and trusted (Y/N) to get it for her. In exchange for some information though.

'Why that book, though?' (Y/N) thought, 'Is some playboy chasing after her?'

If so, (Y/N) could understand why, Jisoo was awfully pretty.

It was also no surprise she was scouted by YG Entertainment too.

A/N: if u haven't figured it out by now, ur best friend is BLACKPINK's Jisoo. Ur welcome, blinks 😂

"Ah there it is."

(Y/N) found the book and reached out for it.

After a few jumps, she was able to get the book and turned around.

Sadly, she is a clumsy girl at the worst times.

(Y/N) was about to start heading towards the front of the library to check out the book, but sadly, she bumped into someone.

Her notebook, binder, and Jisoo's book fell.

"Oh... Sorry..." A familiar deep voice spoke to her.

"N-no it's okay..." (Y/N) quickly blurted out, scrambling to pick up her journal and binder.

The man picked up the book for her, then he furrowed his eyebrows.

Brushing it away, he handed her the book.

"Here... Again, I'm sorry. Uh, I have to go now..."

The man turned around to walk away, but on instinct (Y/N) immediately grabbed the man's arm.

He turned his head to look at her, questioningly.

"Uhm..." (Y/N) struggled to find her words, she didn't know why she suddenly grabbed him. "Sorry but it's just that you seem, I dunno, a bit... familiar?"

The male looked a bit shocked then immediately turned his head.

(Y/N) then spoke without thinking, "Are you perhaps... Min Yoongi."

He then froze.

The man practically froze.

"Y-You might have the wrong person... I don't know who this Yoongi person is."

(Y/N)'s voice went a bit higher, "Y-yeah I'm right, You are Min Yoongi! Right?"

The man, who she indentified as 'Yoongi' turned to look at her.

He slowly took off his face mask and stared at her for a while.

She did the same, but then he looked down.

(Y/N) then realized what he meant,

She was still holding his arm.

The embarrassed girl quickly let go, "Ah! S-Sorry!"

Yoongi pointed at the book, "That book? How to play hard to get? When I first met you in the art museum, I didn't take you for that kind of person."

(Y/N) rubbed her neck nervously, "Ahah.. No, its not for me. It's for a friend named Jisoo, she needed this book for some reason."

"Is she getting chased after a playboy or something?"

"Ah, so great minds do think alike."

"So you have a great mind?", Yoongi joked.

(Y/N) chuckled quietly.

The two then got a little quiet.

"So uh... I just found out about your job yesterday? My friend is a big fan."

"Well, if you ever get my contacts, I'll have to trust you to not to pass my contacts over and around the whole ARMY."

"Haha don't worry I'm really trustworthy.... By the way, what are your contacts?"

The black haired male looked a bit spaced out, yet shook.

Let's correct idiot author-nim, she meant to say 'jungshook'.

"Y-you're serious? I thought you would think I'm creepy and leave awkwardly but..."

"I wonder why that offends me?"

"Huh, well I guess you're more outgoing than I thought. Well, here's my number."

The man took out a small sheet of paper and scribbled something on it.

He then gave it to (Y/N) and smiled a gummy smile.

He said bye and walked away, waving from behind.

(Y/N) waved back, but as soon as he was out of sight, she opened the paper quickly, curious at what his number would be.

She tried to keep a straight face, but the girl couldn't.

She had a goofy grin plastered over her face as she read aloud,


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