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I tried dialing the number, knowing fully well it was probably a joke.

But hey, what can I say?
Curiousity always makes me it's vitcim.

A few beeps followed as I waited to see if the call would be picked up.


"Wow this number actually exists."

"Ah, so it's you, (Y/N)."

"I can't believe that you have a number like this. How befitting for an idol." The girl joked.

(Y)N) could've sworn she visioned him smirking at the other side of the line.

"Well, if you didn't believe me, why'd you call?"

Even though he couldn't see her, (Y/N) shrugged.

"Curiousity, I guess."

"So... I don't know what to say."

"I can relate."

The two were silent for a while, trying to figure out what to say.

Yoongi first spoke.

"Tell me, are you a fan of BTS?"

"Are you promoting your own band?"

Yoongi clicked his tongue, "So what if I was?"

"Well... To be honest, Im not that into what other people are into these days."

"So you're not into rap?"

"Eh, some rap."


"Wow this conversation is so baseless it hurts."

"Guess it's because I don't talk much."

(Y/N) tried to open a new subject. "So, Yoongs!"

"Wait a second, 'Yoongs'?"

"Yeah, I called you Yoongs. Got a problem."

"Yes I have a problem. There are only two things you can call me."

"And they are?"

"Yoongi, or oppa."

(Y/N)'s grin turned into a flat line. "Hahahaha no."

Yoongi's flat lined lips turned into a girn. "Hahahaha yes."

"Well then, can we make a deal?"

"What deal?"

"I call you Yoongs, in exchange for you to call me any nickname."

He laughed, "you have no clue what your getting yourself into."

It was already established, Yoongi was the best at bets.

He stopped laughing, "alright then. What nicknames did you previously have?"

"Hmm..." (Y/N) thought for a moment. "Well there's a lot. I was also once called sweetie. But I hate that so don't-"

Yoongi surpressed his laughter, it was too easy.

"Very well, your nickname is now sweetie. "

"Yoongs I swear to God-"

He further teased her, "So, sweetie. How's your day going?"

(Y/N) sighed, "First of all, please don't call me that. Second, awful since you started calling me sweetie."

"Maybe I'll stop if you call me oppa."

"Oh hell no."

"I wonder if you don't want to say it because you'll cringe, or maybe you just don't want me to stop calling you sweetie, sweetie."

He emphasized the last part, making (Y/N) dryly laugh.

Yet, she refused to admit that it was kind of... hot.

"I regret meeting you already."

"Do you know how many people would gladly take your place right now?"

"Yeah I know. Millions of fangirls."

"Well," Yoongi cleared his throat, as if announcing. "Let's start the bidding, shall we? 1000 won? 30000 won! Highest so far is 30000 won! Anyone willing to bet more?"

A voice could be heard in the background, "Hyung what are you doing...?"

(Y/N) chuckled at Yoongi's act. 'that was adorable.'

Yoongi quickly fumbled with his phone, "U-Um sweetie listen I have to go. Talk to you later bye!"

The same voice in the background now shouted, "Sweetie? Isn't that what you'd call a girl? Oh my gOD YOONGI HYUNG YOU'RE TALKING TO A GIRL-"

And that was all (Y/N) heard before the call ended.

Her bedroom was silent for a while, only the phone's beeping was heard.

She laughed to herself, the ending of the call was quite amusing.

Her phone vibrated, startling the calm girl.

(Y/N) opened her phone to check her messages.

JiBae: yah! (Y/N)! Where are you?? You told me you'd come so I won't be nervous to meet the band I'll debut with?!

(Y/N) facepalmed, she totally forgot.

Frantically, she typed back.


Not checking the reply that would be sent by her friend, she hastily put on her coat and grabbed her camera, running out of the house.

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