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MinSugageniusjjangjjangmanboongboong: yo
MinSugageniusjjangjjangmanboongboong: are you online

you: yup whats up
you: we havent talked in a while

MinSugageniusjjangjjangmanboongboong: sorry I couldnt talk
MinSugageniusjjangjjangmanboongboong: work is stressful b :((

you: it changed from sweetie to b lmfao didn't
you once call me 'love' or somethin

MinSugageniusjjangjjangmanboongboong: i never did
MinSugageniusjjangjjangmanboongboong: but since you want me to
MinSugageniusjjangjjangmanboongboong: I'll do anything for ya ;)

you: dramatic swoons from the audience

MinSugageniusjjangjjangmanboongboong: you don't even react anymore
MinSugageniusjjangjjangmanboongboong: I miss the old y/n :T

you: im old now? im? only? 22? lmao?
you: but ay man are you ok you don't sound so great

MinSugageniusjjangjjangmanboongboong: you'll laugh if I tell you

you: you're a comedian tho

MinSugageniusjjangjjangmanboongboong: I thought we were serious you ass :""

you: sOrRy BaE
you: ok jokes over
you: im serious now
you: whats up you ok

MinSugageniusjjangjjangmanboongboong: lmao ur so cute
MinSugageniusjjangjjangmanboongboong: its no big deal tho
MinSugageniusjjangjjangmanboongboong: im fine
MinSugageniusjjangjjangmanboongboong: just a bit pressed

MinSugageniusjjangjjangmanboongboong: saesangs

you: ew a kboo

MinSugageniusjjangjjangmanboongboong: like i appreciate you support me
MinSugageniusjjangjjangmanboongboong: but i have emotions
MinSugageniusjjangjjangmanboongboong: and i wanna breathe


MinSugageniusjjangjjangmanboongboong: just because I'm an idol
people needa understand im, not, a, damn, slave, they cant just
do this to me kjhds

you: what did they do

MinSugageniusjjangjjangmanboongboong: I don't wanna say
MinSugageniusjjangjjangmanboongboong: I may be HIGHKEY salty
MinSugageniusjjangjjangmanboongboong: but I don't wanna call others out like that
MinSugageniusjjangjjangmanboongboong: iT FEELS FAKE YOU KNOW??

you: ^^proud I have a mature understanding, intelligent friend

MinSugageniusjjangjjangmanboongboong: sobs I just got friend zoned

you: my heart forever belongs to fanfics

MinSugageniusjjangjjangmanboongboong: I can make them be true, yknow~

you: ok gotta admit that was act a rlly boyfriend line

MinSugageniusjjangjjangmanboongboong: haha im an expert

you: speaking of lines
you: mic drop lyrics
you: "baby watch your mouth"
you: ik it was namjoon's line but it's yours too
you: and hot d a m n
you: I feel sorry for army
you: they suffer so much,, 🤧🤧🤧

MinSugageniusjjangjjangmanboongboong: it's my job to make
my girlfriends feel sexy hahaha

you: hoe alert woop woop

MinSugageniusjjangjjangmanboongboong: only for you

you: I'm getting deva-ju

MinSugageniusjjangjjangmanboongboong: isn't that the other way around

you: idk anymore josdjklsn college fucks you up big time

MinSugageniusjjangjjangmanboongboong: still in hell?

you: mhm, one year left

MinSugageniusjjangjjangmanboongboong: I'm rooting for you don't die yet ok
MinSugageniusjjangjjangmanboongboong: I wanna talk with ya more but
MinSugageniusjjangjjangmanboongboong: I need to go for an interview in a bit

you: augh America must be wildt

MinSugageniusjjangjjangmanboongboong: it is
MinSugageniusjjangjjangmanboongboong: well I gotta leave sweetie
MinSugageniusjjangjjangmanboongboong: see ya soon
MinSugageniusjjangjjangmanboongboong: ps: ill make sure to propose to you on graduation day 😉

you: sure lmfao
you: but nevertheless,
you: good luck on the interview
you: see you soonnn


You shut your phone, going back to deleting photos you judged below exceptional for the photography competition your college was holding. The prize for the best photograph is future opportunities, depending on what section of the competition you signed yourself up for. But in a sense, it was all good. That is, only if a professor or another high-standing person saw and acknowledged your talents. You had signed up for this, photography was your dream job, after all.

Finally finished, after 30 minutes, you decided to go to check your phone.

Unconsciously, you checked your chat with Yoongi, who had left you on read to go to the interview.

Tossing the phone on your desk, you went to sleep.

But you didn't realize, at all.

When Yoongi said "I'll propose to you on graduation"

He might've actually meant it.

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