Pros and Cons

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Jimin's POV

When the bell rings to signal the end of class, the eager Jimin can't decide where to start. He's watched the confusion and suspicion roil in Y/N's eyes all day which, although it's entertaining enough, is nowhere near as funny as watching her boil in rage.
He has a couple of options.
Anything time that he touches her, Y/N goes red as a cute little cherry and produces a flaming glare for him. Should he start by sitting next to her?
She's seated in her desk at the back of the classroom, scribbling on some irrelevant piece of homework. If he takes the empty desk beside her in the guise of helping her, he'll have full access. He can shift their chairs closer as he points out a problem, watch as she grows uncomfortable and irritated with his presence. Jimin sits back in his chair, folding his arms smugly behind his head as he considers the possibilities.
His arm around her shoulder, a hand on her knee, the subtle brush of his lips on the delicate shell of her ear. Maybe he can play a little more with the hem of that uniform skirt.
Anything to make that flush rise on her cheeks. Anything to make that glimmer appear in her feminine eyes.
He can't wait.
Taking off his glasses and running his fingers through his hair to tousle it a bit, Jimin rolls his shoulders and stands. He moves toward the oblivious girl in the back, loosening his tie as he does so. The marks on the paper come into focus as he gets closer: some type of math problem.
"Need some help?" he asks. Y/N glances up in surprise, her mouth turned into an automatic frown at the sound of his voice. He works hard to hold his smile back.
"No, thank you," she says with a glare. "I'm fine."
He sits down anyways and leans over her shoulder to glance at the symbols. She glares at him out of the corner of her eye and grips her pencil tighter.
He points at one of the problems. "But you got that one wrong."
"What?" Eyes widening and narrowing in quick procession, Y/N peers down at the problem and gives him the opportunity to slide his arm along the back of her chair.
"How is that wrong?" she huffs. The girl is completely oblivious to Jimin's amusement. "If you move the x here and the y here, then apply the formula-"
"A is squared, Ms. Kim." Leaning in close, Jimin moves his finger along the paper. "And then x and y move like this, here. They're opposites but they belong together, see? Like puzzle pieces. Like...fate." The last part he finishes in a sultry whisper against her ear as he applies one of his strategies. He deliberately slides his bottom lip against her earlobe and blows a slight breath there.
With how close he is, he can hear Y/N's teeth grinding against each other.
"Stop it," she hisses.
Laughing under his breath, he bites his lip when she leans back in her seat and realizes that his arm is there.
"Stop what, baby girl?" he teases as he slides a hand onto her kneecap, fingers flirting with the hem of that skirt that makes him hot as heck. Y/N stiffens.
"I swear, Park Jimin," she seethes. "If you don't get your hands off of me in two seconds, I'm going to-"
"Mr. Park, please report to the front office."
The over head speaker beeps loudly as the speaker hangs up, cutting Y/N off from whatever delightful threat she had been making.  Jimin sighs and stands, disappointed.
The element of surprise is gone now.
"I'll be back in a little bit," Jimin laughs, hiding his disappointment. "Don't miss me too much."
He hears the sound of her scoffing as he walks out the classroom door.



This is it. This is the opportunity you've been waiting for all day.
As your teacher's white-clothed back disappears down the hallway, you move swiftly from your seat. Whatever they're calling him in there for, you can't be sure how long it will take.
You have to find that book and be back in your desk before he returns.
You're unbelievable relieved that the intercom broke in when it did, because you were, in that moment, torn between kissing him and punching him in the face. The heat of his touch managed to send two different type of flushes throughout your body, but there's only one of them that you want to acknowledge. The only one that matters is the anger; there isn't any sincerity from his part within the attraction. You have to remember that.
Scampering across the classroom, you immediately run your hands across the surface of his desk as your eyes scan for that brown leather cover. It's isn't on the top, so you waste no time in hesitating. The first drawer creaks slightly as you yank it open and start ruffling through the contents. Papers and notebooks are shoved to the side by your searching hands as you go through each of the desk drawers, baffled by the absence of a leather-bound sketchbook.
What the heck?
You just saw him with it the other day, where did it go? Maybe you just missed it or something. Determined that it's in here somewhere, you start a secondary search through his possessions. You've just finished tearing apart the last drawer again when you hear footsteps on the hallway, drawing closer.
Cringing, you try to straighten everything up as much possible before sliding back into your seat mere seconds before Jimin's dress shoes step inside. You do your best innocent impression as you observe him, trying to look surprised and curious at his return.
You don't have to fake those emotions for very long.
Behind Jimin, two people trod into the classroom and look around. A boy and a girl, one you recognize and the other a stranger.
Lee Jaehee sends you a catlike grin from the door.
You groan in misery. What is she doing here? Can't you have detention in peace?
The other student is an unfamiliar boy with soft brown hair and a quiet demeanor. He looks at you solemnly, greeting with a slight nod of his angular chin.
Jimin looks stressed now.
He motions the two of them into desks in the front and glances at your with tired, exasperated eyes.
"Ms. Kim," he says. "There was some overflow from the main detention room. Looks like you'll have company from now on."
You give Jaehee a distasteful look, scrunching up your nose.
You really don't want to be a witness to her trying to get in Jimin's pants for the next hour and a half. Her seductive-ness is just plain nasty to you.
And how are you supposed to raid Jimin's desk when there are witnesses in the room?!
At the same time, you're a lot safer from said teacher with other people in the room.
You suppose that you have to lose something to gain something.
As Jaehee watches Mr. Park hungrily, Jimin gazes at you with nostalgic disappointment, and the new kid sends you quietly curious glances, you just hope that the pros of this situation outweigh the cons.



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Congratulations to them! They so deserve it! Anyways, thank y'all for all of the comments and support for this story so far 😋 y'all are the best! Thanks for the read!❤️pocketbangtan

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Congratulations to them! They so deserve it!
Anyways, thank y'all for all of the comments and support for this story so far 😋 y'all are the best!
Thanks for the read!

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