Chapter 2

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Faye woke up in a bed with her hands bound in front of her. Sunlight shone through an open window, lighting up the barren room. Where am I? She sat up, squinting. Jyri sat at a table across from her, scribbling something in an open book. He looked up, and closed it, pen still in hand. "You're awake."

"Where are we?" Faye asked. "Why are my hands tied?"

Jyri pointed his pen at her. "Because you, filthy witch, are on your way to the prison in the King's Palace."


The corner of Jyri's lip twitched. "That's what I told the townspeople. And I advise you go along with it, if you want out of here."

Faye nodded, although she wasn't sure if she could trust him. "How'd you get them to believe you?"

Jyri studied her, then dropped his pen next to his notebook. "We need to leave quick, before word of this gets out to other cities." He stood up, collecting his pen and book.

"You're helping me?"

"You helped me." He avoided her gaze by shoving his things into his knapsack. "It's, my way of paying you back."

"Or you could have just paid me as promised," Faye said, raising an eyebrow, which Jyri ignored. "What was wrong with you anyway?"

"Not now." Jyri slung on his pack, then grabbed Faye by the collar of her shirt, and yanked her off the bed. "Let's go."

"What about my pack?"

"It's in the saddlebag."


Jyri wrapped his hand around her arm, and led her outside the inn, his face twisted into a sneer. He pulled her through the noisy crowd that had formed outside. People shouted crude things at Faye. Others cheered Jyri.

He dragged her over to a horse. Keeping one hand gripped around her arm, he pulled a rope out from the saddlebag. He tied one end around her cuffed wrists, and the other to the horn of the saddle. Jyri curled his lip at her. "Have fun keeping up."

He commanded the horse forward, and Faye stumbled behind, trying to ignore the cheers that followed them out.

They didn't speak the entire way through Acren City. Every now and then, someone would stop and stare, but at least the cheering died. They walked through the streets, passing familiar shops and pubs. As they passed an orphanage on the outskirts, something in her throat swelled up, and she swallowed.

Once out of Acren, they hit bright, green meadows. Faye broke the silence.

"What did you tell them?"

Jyri stared straight ahead, out towards the grassy hills. "I told them I was working on King Lyon's orders."


Jyri nodded.

"And they believed you?"

"Not at first, but I had proof."


"I showed them a badge. Your mayor could tell it was real."

Faye frowned at him. "How'd you get a real badge?"

Jyri ignored her, instead focusing his attention on the dirt path.

"Why were you dying?"

Jyri didn't answer that either, but glanced at her from over his shoulder. "We'll arrive in Serult in a few hours. You'll be safe there."

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