Chapter 3

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Faye awoke to someone shaking her shoulder. "Get up!"

She opened her eyes to find Jyri in a state of alarm. She squinted at him. "What?"

"We have to leave. Now." He tossed her knapsack at her, and slid his own over his shoulders. Grabbing her arm, he yanked her off the bed, and practically dragged her across the room as she slung her pack on.

The door banged open.

Two burly men appeared; one with a buzzcut, the other with dark hair. Both held out a knife. "Get him, Roark!" The buzzcut one shouted, and Roark ran at Jyri. Jyri ducked. Faye kicked the back of Roark's knee, causing him to fall.

"You idiot!" the buzzcut man shouted.

"Sorry, Kern." Roark stood up, rubbing the back of his knee. Jyri dashed towards the door but Kern blocked it, and held out his knife. Roark grabbed Jyri's arm, twisting it behind his back.

"Let him go!" Faye shouted, pushing Roark away. But she might as well have been pushing a brick wall.

Roark sneered down at her. "Nice try, princess."

"Forget her. Let's go."

"Yes, Kern." Roark kept a firm grip on Jyri, who struggled against him. But he was too weak, and was led out the door by the two men.

Faye held out her palm and, focusing on the energy in her gut, shot out a flame. It hit Roark. Yelping, he released Jyri to slap at his back. Kern turned around. "What are-"

Jyri fled.

"Get him!"

"I'm on fire!"

Kern chased after Jyri, and Roark continued slapping at his back. Faye shot another flame towards Kern, but he was too far away to hit. She ran after the man, but Roark grabbed her arm.

"Not so fast, witch."

Faye raised her other arm, but Roark grabbed it, twisting it behind her back. He chuckled. "Try using magic now."

She squirmed against him, but Roark picked her up. With one arm wrapped around her stomach, he used his other hand to clamp her wrists together. People stopped to stare as Roark marched Faye through the building, but he ignored them.

Kern stood outside the inn. "I lost him."

"Don't worry." Roark grinned, and raised Faye up. "He'll be back for his little girlfriend."

"Gross!" Faye struggled in his tightening grip.

"You're not his type anyway." Kern smirked at her, then turned to Roark. "He can't have gone far. I'll go get the horses. Wait here, and try not to lose the girl." He strode off, leaving Faye alone with Roark.

Roark raised his hand up and stroked Faye's cheek. Her breath caught in her throat, and she jerked her head away.

"I bet you'd clean up nicely."

"Unlike you," Faye spat.

"Sassy." Roark lowered his voice. "I like that."

"Are you really that desperate?" Kern had returned with two horses.

Roark gave him a half-smile. "Only for you."

The corner of Kern's lip twitched, and he pulled something out from the saddle bag. "Hold out her hands."

Roark yanked Faye's wrists in front of her body. Struggling would be useless. So instead, she pressed the sides of her wrists and knuckles together, elbows out. Kern tied the scratchy rope around her wrists, and Roark set her on top of the horse, before climbing on behind her. Faye's stomach lurched when he wrapped his arm around her torso.

Runaway with FayeWhere stories live. Discover now