Chapter 18

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After a few minutes that felt like hours, there was a knock on the door. Dr. Kirksen opened it, and two guards walked in, a man in between them. Faye couldn't see the man, but the three stopped in front of Lyon, who blocked her view. "Dr. Ruska, I have a very special patient for you to meet." Faye didn't have to see Lyon's face to tell he was grinning widely.

She tried looking around Lyon, but Lyon turned around, one hand on the mystery doctor, guiding him towards her cage. "But, I believe you've already meet?"

Something in the back of her throat swelled up. She struggled to draw breath, and forced herself to look into Dr. Ruska's familiar grey eyes. "Jyri?"

"Faye..." Jyri broke away from her gaze, and closed his eyes. "I'm sorry. Odis, I'm so sorry."

"You... you're..." Faye's stomach lurched. The world seemed to spin around her, and she placed a hand over her forehead. After everything they'd been through, and all she'd done for him. And she was a fool to trust him. Tears filled her eyes.

"It's not what it looks like," Jyri said pleadingly, but Faye barely heard him. Or the conversation that ensued.

"Since we found such a valuable creature thanks to your disobedience, I've decided to lighten your sentence," Lyon said to Jyri. "You'll be imprisoned for life, let out only to do your former job. Starting with your little friend here."

Jyri turned to Lyon with a set jaw. "I won't."

Lyon stroked his chin, smirking. "Really? What a shame. I have a long list of theories I want tested, and I'd hate for it to go to someone as incompetent as Dr. Kirksen, who can't go a week without an accident."

"Apologies, your majesty," Dr. Kirksen said with a slight bow of his head.

Lyon held up his hand. "No worries. We always find more." He raised his eyebrows at Jyri. "But it would be dreadful to have to execute someone with a mind as brilliant as your own. If you know what I mean."

Jyri looked to the floor. Smiling an evil smile, Lyon snapped his fingers, and a guard brought him a clipboard, which he handed to Jyri. "Try to get these results by the end of the week. And, to make sure no funny business goes on, Dr. Kirksen can be of assistance."

"Actually your majesty," Dr. Kirksen said, "we have a new wave of students who came in, and it would be a good learning experience, if they were to sit in."

Lyon's smile grew wider, revealing perfect teeth. "An excellent idea." He turned to Roark and Kern. "You two lovebirds can stay here, in case there's any issues unbefitting for doctors to handle. Now, if you'll all excuse me, I have more important matters to tend to." With a sweep of his cloak, Lyon and the other guards left.

"Dr. Ruska," Dr. Kirksen said breathlessly, eyes filling with admiration. "I've heard such great things." He held out his hand. "It's an honor to meet you."

Jyri didn't take it, opting to scowl at him instead. Dr. Kirksen ran his hand through his balding hair. "I'll gather the students then." He hurried out of the room.

Leaving Faye and Jyri alone, though Kern and Roark were still in front of the door. Jyri faced Faye, hooking the tips of his fingers through the square bars of her cage. The holes were too small for his fingers to fit in. "I'm sorry. You have no idea-"

"How could you?" Faye's voice cracked. "How?"

"I never wanted to. Trust me."

"I can't."


Faye turned away from him, and stared at the aluminum backing of her cage. First the berries, then the parallel universe. Why should this have surprised her?

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